To Higanbana 2

It's been 3 hours since we started walking roughly around eight at night. Thankfully, we stopped for the night; everyone was calm, so we hadn't had any Grimm attack. As everyone starts to make camp, I lean against a tree and pull out M.R.E. and start to cook it while taking Inventory one m4 4 30 round mags,m1911 with 4 7 round clips, smoke grenades 1, trauma kit, A.L.S., two M.R.E.'s, biohazard P.P.E. [Well, I need to see how much I.F.A.K.'s are in the shop. Get a different handgun, maybe something higher caliber. If I don't have enough, I'll just buy more ammo.] I'm thoughts interrupted as I smell the food is done and start devouring it. It tastes heavenly to my empty stomach as everyone is now done with setting up their respective tents. I get up from my seat to find Aimy. 

Looking around for less than a minute, I can hear her voice coming from the center of the camp. There are two guards in front of the entrance getting close to the tent. One of them opens the tent flap as soon as they see me.

Guard "Aimy is expecting you sir go on in."

William "Thanks." As I enter Aimy's tent, looking around, I see Aimy in a kimono sitting cross-legged near a small table with a tea set on it. Aimy looks up and is a bit startled by my presence.

Aimy "AH William, I didn't hear you come in please have a seat." she says a bit shyly, gesturing to the small cushion on the ground. As I sit down, she starts pouring tea for me.

William "Thank you Aimy it's been a while since I had tea." 

Aimy" Your welcome, I find tea helps me calm down when I have too much on my mind." replied Aimy with a shy smile and rose-colored cheeks as she sat back down and sipped her tea.

William "So I was thinking I can take a guard shift because you and your people deserve some rest." stopping to take a sip of the tea. "Mmm this is good but what do you think and not with the agreed amount of 2,000 lein this is what I was hired for."

Aimy tries to refute my words but nods. "Yes it's fine but if I'm honest with you are the best fighter in this camp so don't push yourself alright for my sa.. *cough* tribe's sake." blushing a little as she quickly finishes her tea and fills it again with such dexterous movements I stare at her for a second as she sees me staring. She looks away a brighter shade of red.

[Am I that attractive, or is this some love at first-time shit. Could be of something with her being a faunes might have a play at why Aimy is a little antsy with me.] After finishing my tea, I slowly get up from the table while Aimy looks somewhere else.

William "Aimy I'm going out on guard duty now thank you for the tea and small talk. It was relaxing." I say, giving her a warm smile as I walk out of her tent to help lighten the load off the fighters.

P.O.V. Aimy after William leaves

[Oh god, why do I feel my heart beating faster when I talk to William? I'm a grown woman, for brother's sake. I shouldn't have these feelings just yet. I have to make sure my people get to Higanbana safely, and then I can have those feelings.] I smack my cheeks as I take Inventory of the tribe's finances. [Alright, 12,000 lien already is for William from a total of 90,000 lien with roughly 30,000 lien going to the survivors with 40,000 lien going to the mayor of Higanbana to accept us, and that leaves me with 8,000 lien.] "Aaah why did a grimm attack happen? We were doing great with our lumber trade to Higanbana." 

[Thankfully, William agreed to have me because I could use a good fuck right about now.] Aimy thinks as she lays her head against the table sighing defeatedly.

P.O.V. William

It's been 2 hours since my shift while no one was watching, I summoned the shop buying 4 I.F.A.K., a Desert Eagle with 5 9 round clips, and a holster bringing my blood echoes to 47, most going towards the Desert eagle being 900 blood echos and the clips being 25 each and I.F.A.K. being 100 each and 20 for the leg holster. [All in all, not bad, but I need more, and with 10,000 lien I should have enough to get to the capital, but I need to see the prices, and now I'm thinking too far ahead.] I'm interrupted by what looks like the same raven chalking it up to just a coincidence. I stare at it for a minute just to fuck with it, then go back to watch for an hour. As the raven flies off 30 minutes into the watch, I'm then interrupted by a guard speaking to me.

Guard "Thank you Sir for helping us with guard duty I can take your place." 

William "Thank you well nothing has happened quiet just how I like it."

Guard chuckles a bit. "I can agree with that sir also Aimy told me to tell you that you can sleep in her tent if you so choose to." I look at the guard for a second as I softly chuckle, shaking my head, and start to walk away to Aimy's tent. As I enter, Aimy is fast asleep with her upper body and head on the table with what looks like Rements world map with a small red x presumably where we are. [Alright, now I know where I'm at, Mistral but I still don't know what volume this world's in. Well, I can think of it tomorrow, and now that I see Aimy in her kimono, she looks great. Either way, time to finally sleep. I've had too much shit thrown at me today.] 

Looking around, I find Aimy sleeping bag. I crouch down, putting my hands on her shoulders to pull her off the table while her head and back flop onto my chest. Slowly turning her body to do a princess carry, surprisingly picking Aimy up with ease while walking towards her sleeping bag slowly crouching down to set her in her sleeping bag she wakes up.

Aimy "Well took you long enough." as she grins and wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me into a french kiss. After a minute of me recuperating her kiss as my hormones rage, I can feel her hands massaging the back of my head and we part lips.

Aimy "You know it's not nice to keep a woman waiting right." She says a bit conceding

William "Well let me get my gear off then we can have some fun." I reply with a smirk as I set Aimy down on the sleeping bag. While I start to undress and hear clothing ruffle behind me as well. Turning around I see Aimy laying seductively with her being ripped with a G cup breasts standing there for a second as both of them whistling while gawking at each other's bodies.

Aimy "You look even better than I thought." she says seductively while her gaze is upon my lower body, "and you are well endowed too mmmm come on make me yours."

William "Well, if that's what you want, then say no more." I get on top of her and start to make her mine with moans of pleasure going late into the early morning.

Morning 7 am

I slowly wake up from the very eventful night with a very aggressive bull faunes resting her head on my chest with a blissful face. I softly shake Aimy's shoulder to wake her up. Groggily Aimy wakes up and looks at my face as she gives my lips a quick peck.

Aimy "William if I didn't know you were human I would have thought you were a bull just from our sex last night. Also before you say anything I've already told my people it would be better to live in Higanbana and my father told me if you have I found a good man to hold on to him and you meet all the requirements my father had set before he died. So I would like to go with you and I won't take no for an answer alright dear." giving me a warm smile with a double meaning of your not getting away from this.

William sighs and kisses Aimy and gets up from the sleeping bag putting on his gear while saying, "I can tell you are a good woman, but I don't think I deserve such a kind and caring woman like yourself with what I've done and seen."

Aimy "Don't say that William i've seen people from all walks of life with some people that seemed irredeemable find happiness with a significant other." Aimy wrapped her arms around William from behind. "If you want to talk about what happened in your life to say this then I'll listen no matter how painful it gets besides you're a kind man even if you don't think you are."

William "I… I'll think about it but if I talk about it now it could attract grimm so let's wait until we get to Higanbana okay." I reply sorrowfully as I rub her hands on my chest.

Aimy "Alright and if you're worried about me coming with you I can defend myself so don't worry dear." 

Aimy lets go of William and puts on her armor as outside people are already at work taking down the camp. After roughly 5 minutes of getting ready me and Aimy start taking down her tent pretty quickly. By 8 am, everyone is prepared to move with a lot of the people and fighters passing a lot of lien around with some people's faces happily collecting while others reluctantly hand over. [I have a feeling what this bet was about that, and for some reason, I'm calm around Aimy now, probably the after-effects of sex, but I feel it's different, something I can't put my finger on.]

Aimy looks around, blushing a bit that her people betted on her getting in bed with William. After a second of thinking of what to say, she says, "Alright everyone i'm happy that you all think about my happiness but don't pull that betting shit again alright." with a pissed-off expression, I swear I can see the veins on her head. With some people shaking a bit with fear and others with pale complexions. "Anyways, we should all be ready now so let's get a move on." I chuckle a bit and quickly steal a kiss from Aimy and start walking forwards with a blushing woman behind me as I hear laughter from her tribe as we all start walking towards Higanbana.