The Birth of The Chaos Sigil & The Ancient Dragons

Khaos finally landed, creating a massive crater in the new continent on Planet Serenity. "I'll have to infuse more essence into their souls." he closed his eyes while temporarily sacrificing some of his essence to complete the resurrection of Navalon's population.

Since their souls haven't yet been guided to purgatory or back into the reincarnation cycle by soul reapers, bringing them back to life with Leviathan's world skill, {Boundless Regeneration} was possible.

The Royal Family and the Elders gazed upon their god's majestic form up close for the first time. They marveled at the sheer size of his body, his mesmerizing platinum scales, enchanting golden eyes, obsidian horns, and many rows of flawless white serrated teeth the size of buildings.

Any negative thoughts or intentions the Royal Family and Royal Dragon Council may have once harbored were replaced with a strong desire to help their young lord ascend to godhood.

Their sudden change of emotions caught Khaos off guard for a moment, but he paid it no mind as he finished creating the chaos sigil to brand their souls as servants of chaos.

'Base frequency... Spiritual evolution, 432 hertz. Desire, 528 hertz. Rebelliousness, 1200 hertz. Freedom, 639 hertz. Anarchy, 741 hertz. Independence, 852 hertz. Autonomy, 963 hertz.'

[Leviathan]: 'Master, branding their souls with your chaos sigil is the first step. It will accomplish the same outcome naming them would achieve without having to change them or take that right from their families. In return, they will be granted superior evolution paths, additional elements, abilities, and talents based on their work ethic and devotion.'

This contract was beneficial for both the master and servant. Of course, they could always choose to rebel against Khaos if they wanted as it wasn't forced slavery he desired. However, that didn't mean he wouldn't form any contingency plans to prevent any problems for himself in the future.

Khaos finally envisioned the last mark on his sigil and then slit his palm with his claw, drawing silver blood that contained his DNA.

As he squeezed his massive fist, his blood slowly dripped onto the ground, revitalizing the wasteland's soil and infusing it with potent draconic essence. This immediately caught the attention of the sentient Dragonborn and insentient wyverns who were closing in on their location.

Khaos's sigil resembled a silver flower of life surrounded by an hourglass and an eastern dragon in the shape of an infinity symbol eating its tail.

The dragons of Navalon twitched as their souls responded to the chaos sigil. Then they slowly fell toward their bodies, phasing through them without causing any pain or discomfort.

They were successfully brought back to life. However, their cognitive functions weren't fully restored yet, so they remained in a vegetative state.

"My lord... they didn't possess an essence signature. How did you heal them?" Asked Novex, kneeling before Khaos once more, followed by the elders who bowed in sync with each other. 

Khaos turned his head toward Novex's direction before raising a pointer claw to his maw, then pointed toward the massive forest nearby. "I will tell you its origins another time. For now, we must care for our citizens and welcome our neighboring guests. There seem to be entities around us that possess small traces of draconic essence."

Aerion looked up at Khaos. "Those beings must be the wyvern and dragonborn races. I've come down here before on aerial hunting missions and have witnessed them in combat a few times. I wonder what they'll think of their ancestors coming down here to live among them, Rahahaha!" he laughed, diffusing the tense atmosphere and creating an opportunity for his fellow elders to join in on the conversation.

"I sense fear, curiosity, and a bit of... pride. Hmm, I guess the draconic alpha call affected their souls as well. This should get interesting." Said Kaizen, a small grin forming on his maw as azure flames erupted around him.

"Fighting us is out of the question. So will they flee or become servants to our lord?" Asked Diamore, casually creating an 'Earth Pillar' to lean against.

"They will submit and kneel willingly of course. If us elders have done so, why would they not do the same?" Vekron chimed in as an aura of darkness enveloped his draconic visage.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that. One race is insentient besides its flock leader, and the other is a hybrid mutation of humans and dragons. Honestly, they may end up siding with the humans if we don't leave a lasting impression." Said Zara, her forked tongue hanging from her mouth, dripping purple saliva that was stronger than most poisons.

"Well, that's true. If we hide our power, they may view us as fallen dragons and report our existence to demi-humans or even the humans themselves. I'm sure it will be a tough first decision to make as an adolescent god candidate, but what are your orders, Lord Khaos?" Nautica asked, her voice soothing, but her gaze was colder than the water and ice she wielded.

King Novex nodded. "Whatever you choose, we will support you till the end," he said without hesitation.

"I understand your concerns. I will always consider the repercussions we may face with each one of my decisions, now and in the future.

Ingrain this into your very essence and subconsciousness. Hiding our power serves many purposes. However, for us dragons, we'll only find this method disingenuous and impractical.

In the end, it will not stop the inhabitants of this world from trampling upon our lands, whether that be for good or evil. And dragons do not owe them anything.

With that being said, killing any race is permissible as long as you can justify why it would be beneficial to our continent and species.

I know it may be selfish, but I ask that you bear with me on my journey to godhood. I'm sure we'll find ourselves up against higher entities from all races and religions one day. So in return for your loyalty and devotion, I will grant you my blessing and help you evolve into ancient dragons." When Khaos finished speaking, he released the chaos frequencies once more, forming his chaos sigil.

The Elders felt their lord's essence envelop their souls, bodies, and essence cores as the voice of the multiverse echoed throughout their minds and soul dimensions.

'The Evolution of The Seven Elder Dragons of Navalon Will Now Commence!'

The sun grew dim, the waves of the seas tranquil, the earth restless, the wind serene, the darkness left satiated for once, light, which was always content now wanted to envelope anything it could, and poison refrained from branding lost spirits cursed. 

After suffering an indescribable pain for 7 minutes during their instantaneous evolution, it was now replaced with pure bliss. It felt as if they were being taught the importance of balance. The collective thought, to their understanding, was that to experience great peace, one must first endure painful trauma.

Novex became a heavenly dragon, Kaizen became a star dragon, Nautica became a sea dragon, Diamore became a nature dragon, Aerion became a gravity dragon, Zara became a cursed dragon, and Vekron became a demonic dragon.

The elders felt deep gratitude they had never felt before. Their parents' sacrifices could never compare to what their lord had done for them in only a few minutes after meeting them.

With their lord's blessing, they gained new elements, skills, abilities, arts, and techniques. Their energy and essence were enhanced, their souls were now awakened, and their chakra paths had even formed unique haki signatures as if they were finally connected as one with nature.

The elders looked over each other's new forms with stars in their eyes, resembling the children they used to be long ago.

Their stoic demeanor somewhat disappeared before his very eyes, bringing a slight smirk to Khaos's face as he felt the tiniest flicker of emotion arise from his soul before it was negated by his chaos element.

"Now… make your presence known, my servants. Forge your own legacies alongside me. I look forward to seeing your growth and accomplishments, ancient ones." Said Khaos. His deep voice vibrated their bodies and caused the citizens to awaken from their vegetative state.

Some of the citizens were still dazed and others who had their memories intact were visibly shaken or traumatized, but they vowed to change after going through such an eye-opening experience.

Since they had been given a second chance to live, they would remain devoted and diligent to their training and magic studies until their second deaths.

The citizens of Navalon instinctively moved to the backs of their clan leaders, lining up in the most efficient battle formations when the ancient dragons combined their voices to let out a draconic alpha call.

This somehow managed to lessen the fear of the Wyvern flock and Dragonborn tribes since it wasn't as terrifying and authoritative as the previous one. Thus, they decided to finally emerge from the forest in great numbers.