Chapter 8

The doctor overseeing Colette did some checks on her early the next morning before discharging her. The Nundos' had slept over at the hospital the previous night when Colette regained consciousness. Clement was yawning most of the morning, he'd one of his most uncomfortable nights, having only his aunt's warm and soft body to rest on while they both slept in the bench outside Colette's room in a close sitting posture.

Argus drove the family home after Colette had been cleared and prepped to go. Colette sat in-between her aunt and mother at the back of the car, while a dozing Clement sat beside his father in front with his seatbelt plugged in.

They arrived their house within thirty minutes. Clara helped her niece to her room and wanted to help her into the shower, only for Colette to dismiss her and plead to help her mother in the kitchen to fix breakfast for the family.

Colette sat in her bed. She was dressed in an oversized gown that resembled a maternity gown. She closed her eyes and sucked in the familiar but refreshing smell of her room. Her aunt had put on her room's heater. She was already feeling great enough and energized when her stomach growled.

'Ah, I  eaten in three days now eh,' she thought.

She stood up from her bed and got ready to use the bathroom when she realized she wasn't with something important to modern day youth – her phone.

"Ah..darn. where's my mobile now?"

She searched her head of any memory she had last on her phone. She tried using her mirage abilities, but only ended up starting a headache.

"Ouch! Will just go bath then," She said and sighed before making her way to the bathroom.

"Alright, if you're happy to see Colette back shout welcoommee!!!"


Argus rallied his family into a cheerful chorus. They were all seated in the living room. Chloe and Patience had come around to see their friend as soon as Patience saw the Nundos' bring her home. She had called Chloe over to tell her the news. Colette was seated in their middle in the long chair in the living room, while her dad stood behind the chair above her. The girl was wildly beaming.

Clara and Mia had brought out the best of the kitchen to the living room. At the middle of the center table in the living room was a plate of chocolate cake, arranged around it were small plates of potato and chicken puree and bear claws. Of course, this was to be their breakfast, sugarland from the very women in the house who were quite strict on how much sugar the family took. Even they had their day off.

The family and Colette's friends jollied the morning and early afternoon away, much to Colette's happiness. She herself was just so happy to be able to be with her family again and truly, after all the horrors she had to relieve. Just how convenient being a mirage felt at this time, yet she couldn't help the thoughts the explosion might have happened because she had the powers in the first place.

"Well aunty, what did you bring from Brazil?" Colette now had her head resting on her right palm with her pointing finger tapping her chin. Her statement caught the interest of Clement.

"On point Colette…aunt?" Clement also diverted his gaze his aunt. Argus chuckled at his children's behavior.

"Aw now kids, lemme finish my puree first eh, then we'll go see…"

Colette's and Clement's stares intensified.

"Ok ok then, I'll go bring em, so easy now tigers."

Mia chuckled at this. Colette and her friends got themselves lost in girl talks until Clara returned with a backpack. She sat down beside Mia and unzipped it. She brought out two cream coloured miniature figurines.

"What are these kids?" Clara asked them.

Clement's eyes lit up. "Those are Christ the redeemer figurines, the great statue in Rio! Gosh I always wanted to see that statue!"

Colette's face looked amazed, with a shade of bewilderment underneath. "Yaay,"she said sarcastically, "Those toys for Clement and not one for me?"

"Oh now don't be spoilt dearie, it's one apiece for you both, and I've also got more."

Clara gave one each to the children. Clement observed his with more interest, while Chloe took Colette's from her after she looked at it a little. Clara brought out some clothes from her bag.

"This here is for you Clement, and this is for you recovery girl."

What Clara gave Clement was a blue Brazilian football jersey – the shirt only, while Clara got a swimsuit designed for Brazilian athletes. Argus' eyes lit up.

"Ooh Clara, you sure that ain't mine? Clement's not even a fan!"

"Ooh dad hold it there, I'm a football fan, and I very much love the Brazilian national team. But I'm definitely not a fan of The Blues. Would rather support Yorkshire FC!" Clement was now on his feet, squaring up to his father before he got bullied of his new jersey.

"Aah, dagger to my heart son, dagger to my heart. Atleast Colette's a fan…"

"Don't get it twisted dad, this ain't a sportswear for men, it's a swimsuit. Not one for you. Also,…well, not to break your heart but, I'm no fan," Colette said cheesily.

Argus let out a pained wimp as the family burst into laughter along with Colette's friends.

"Well this is nice, looks like summer will be lit with my latest collection eh, thanks auntie," Colette said. She just started Patience and Chloe to her room when Clement turned the TV on and the channel that popped up was the news channel, reporting on nothing else but…

#...investigations carried out showed no signs of explosives used, but the concrete floor of the square caved-in into Nicorp's sewers, hinting that whatever blew up the park was planted directly under the park. The car bomb that exploded earlier is also under investigation. For now, Nicorp, the train station opposite the park, the surrounding roads and ofcourse the square were closed down by security officials until investigations were concluded. Only two men were reported dead in the explosion, an elderly civilian and a policeman. No terrorist group has claimed responsibility so far. 

Onto the next item…#

"Well, could have been way worse right, just happy you weren't among the fallen." Mia looked at Colette with a face that looked both worried and thrilled at the same time. 

Colette reflected back on the news again, seeing images of the square caving into Nicorp's sewers, and more importantly the fact that it wasn't mentioned that the policeman didn't die from the bombing but from a bullet wound in his head, afterall, she experienced it firsthand. Atleast the trauma of these past events weren't affecting her as badly as they were before, moreso because she felt she had saved a lot of lives. 

She was just happy to see her family again, and wished for nothing more than very normal life henceforth, only she knew things wouldn't really be the same as long as she was a mirage, and the warnings she had already received concerning her abilities meant even more. 

"Dad, guess I'll be needing a new phone," Colette said with a pleading face that made her look cute. Argus stared at her a little.

"No probs, but you'll have to promise to follow me to the stadium to watch The Blues' cup final. Deal?"

Colette groaned and her mother giggled.

"That's straight up blackmail pops," Colette said.

"It's a deal lill girl, or you'll be entering your new term in school without one."

Colette looked at her father in disgust, then turned her gaze to her mother, who just pouted.

"Gosh, you're really his wife," Colette muttered. "Deal!"

"Good girl, go have fun now, I'll get you a new set before the day ends, we'll go to the shop together in the evening."

Colette and her friends went into her room to have some jolly time. Mia, Argus and his sister continued talking in the living room while Clement spent his time watching TV.

"When will I get a phone?" He muttered to himself.