His Last Counsel

The Head Councillor entered a compartment which resembled an old-fashioned mine elevator made of flat metals joined together in a checkered fashion which allowed it to be a see-through compartment. The difference was that this elevator and all others in the council building worked with magic. He closed the sliding door and said a word "ledesharen", and the compartment began to descend. It descended eight floors below from the ground floor above.

This floor housed the office of the Head Councillor. He got out the elevator compartment when it stopped and walked through the dimly lit corridor that followed, which led after a few meters to the side entrance of a wide rectangular area filled with very busy people typing away with machines that resembled typewriters.

There were twenty-five rows of work desk from left to right each spaced apart about half a meter and fifteen columns from front to back, with no spaces between the desks joined so.