Gione Arrives

The defense squad were making ground, jumping to the fifth floor's passage over the hall. Those who had reached it frowned at the figure, and began making hand sighs before proceeding to say some incantations.

Green magical rings formed around the hands of the people, eight in number, saying the incantations, and in harmony they threw their hands in the direction of the figure.

These actions produced loud bangs and other subtle sound effects, and clouded the figure in yet more green magic.

Within a few moments, the magic cloud cleared, leaving the green figure intact, unscaved.

The Head of the defense squad had a look of shock and disbelief on his pales face. He was astonished that the figure was still floating after an attack of such magnitude.


The mages who had just cast the spell did it again, this time with more intensity than the last, and casted their spells more intensely on the figure.