Colette and old master Gabi walked quietly past the front of the building and into the light forest in front. Colette held his right rand as he used his walking stick to support himself as he walked. As he walked past the tall trees in the area where Imogen had made a rainbow, he commented on how ancient the trees were. They had been there since before he was born. They walked past the tall trees to even taller ones, but with more space around and the same amount of dried leaves on the floor. Most of the trees had wild markings on them, like they were being constantly scarred. They walked upto a concrete bench and sat in it.

"Okay Colette, enough with our nature talk. There's a lot I have to tell you, so I'd like for you to listen carefully." The old man looked into Colette's youthful crimson eyes, in contrast to his sunken and shaded ones, and grey brows.