Clement left the game shop few minutes past five with two of his classmates who had tagged along. They took the long way home, chatting and playing along the way until Clement parted with them at the junction leading to his house.

He arrived home after trekking for thirty minutes. He was surprised to see him mom in the kitchen, preparing some food.

"Oh! Clement. How're you dear?" Mia's eyes still seemed dull but atleast her face seemed to have more life in it compared to when she was cooped up in bed.

"Mum?" Clement didn't know how to express his surprise.

"You could start by replying my greeting you know!" Her face looked more stern.

"Oh sorry. Good afternoon mom, just didn't expect to see you up and working in the kitchen at this time."

Mia was fondling with the knife she was using to cut vegetables.

"Well, felt terribly hungry, so decided to fix something to eat. I'm also cooking some for you, you must be starving."