First search, second search, third search and so on until she had gone through a the files on the table. Feeling desperate, she tugged at the drawers handles, looking for any that was unlocked. On realising one, she opened it and looked in and what she saw first got her drawn back. The words; 'The Council' was the heading, followed by a letter body. Her mind flashed back to what Clara had told her about magic and the supernatural world. Their organisation or sorts was called The Council.

Neko suddenly realised a drop in the noise outside, a calm she recognised. The chief was most likely around. She squeezed the note into the back pocket of her jeans, closed the drawer and quickly snuck her way while still low to the door, opened and got out, apparently just in the nick of time.

Farouk noticed the chief's door close just as the chief himself appeared from the opposite side of his eyes.