"No. It's a one way thing. I don't even hear what they say, and she has to be with the compass o gave her for me to see her."

"Hmm. Well, for now just keep watching her. I'll think up something. In the meantime keep tabs with the council as well."

"Hmm. This is gonna be a drag I tell you. I just hope she doesn't get hurt. And then there's her parents, her grandpa, her brother. Did I mention Clement discovered magic yesterday?"

"Hmm?" Neko was taken aback.

"How did that happen?" Neko asked.

"Well, apparently he raided my room yesterday. He closed early from school, and with nothing better to do alone at home one of his old bad habits surfaced and tookaim at my room."

Neko chuckled enthusiastically, leaving Clara to gape at her teeth.

"Well, I was able to talk it out with him and somehow remove suspicions of magic. But then I may just have made him more inquisitive. Just hope he doesn't go raiding my things again."