"Wonder why they decide to train us at night?" Manuel asked Iyoha as they strolled along a path through the woods.

"Hmm. Guess it's cus it'd be more challenging, you know, what better way to test our senses," Iyoha responded, demonstrating with his right hand while he held his staff weapon over his shoulder with his left.

"Hmm. I doubt that though. We're still trainees. The senior ranked classes usually go on expeditions during the day, and the military themselves who go deeper do so in the day as well. Although can't really say much on their chances. They always return depleted and exhausted."

"Hmm," Iyoha grunted, mostly because he didn't know what to say in reply.

"You think the infected beings are easier to attack at night than during the day? Perhaps that's why?"
