"Wakie wakie, it's gonna be a busy day!"

Mia drew the curtains of Colette's room and beckoned her to wake up by raising her voice.

"Wake up Col, it's new year's eve, people will flock into the restaurant early today and then it'll get boring in the afternoon, then busy late evening, with few late customers till nine, and then we'll close…wait, did I miss the part where we'll decorate the place for tomorrow? We'll have to make it more splendid than our Christmas decorations before we go to the square."

"Wake uuppp!" She then shouted.

"Ow, good morning mum," Colette greeted her mum

"Good morning Colette, now get in the shower, you're looking very messy, and you've managed to out-sleep your alarm."

"What time is it mum?" asked Colette

"6:37, that's how late we're, thanks to your father's sports commitments yesterday," she then sighed.

"Well, get yourself ready, your dad and Clement already are."

"Yes mum," Colette replied with a gloomy face.