My eyes. My gentle, dead eyes. I couldn't say if it was because of my addiction to my nerve gear helmet, or just my depression. The reflection of heavy rain dancing on my window was reflected on the walls on the opposite side of the room despite how dimly lit it was. My bulb wasn't even on.

I laid on my bed, face up. I reached for the nerve gear on my wheel chair beside my bed. The wireless gear had a low charge already; I hadn't been using it close to any wireless charger. But that's what my bed frame was for anyway.

I wore the helmet and lay back down on the pillow close to the frame of the bed, then received the notification that charging had commenced. All virtual information was projected like a hologram for me to interact with.

"Connect Biodes!"

At my command some thin wires attached painlessly to the temple of my head from inside the gear, and along the line of my neck other biodes from the base of the gear connected.

"Connected!" The projected display read.