Chapter 5        the beginning again.   

Sayuri Pov

"I better go to the classroom and tell my teacher that I am back," I said.

"Okay, you do that Fukui San," Elena said.

"Hello, I see that you are back from your family problem", Mr. Sadia said.

"Yeah, there wasn't a big concern, my father just wanted to hang out with me for a few days," I said.

Later that day after the students had left.

"We got a new member and the intuneric stacojiu has returned," I said.

"Ha-ha, I see the boss has come back after a few months, and how are Yuki and Sakai doing?"

he spoke.

"Okay, I will now take my leave, former commander Sadia," I said.

I better see how Iris is feeling since the last time I had seen her,

"Iris c'est Moi Sayuri Puis-Je entrer un instant," I said.

The doors opened,

"Se Monter'' she said.

"Iris, are you feeling well today and did you remember to take your medicine or the doctor will get mad at you again iris Chan," I said to her.

"Sophie avez-Vous entendu iris arriver à rencontrer quelqu'un de nouveau un gars Est maintenant ici pour iris Jouer avec," she said.

"Sophie, did you hear Iris get to meet someone new? A guy is finally here to play with Iris," Iris said in English.

Yuu Pov earlier in the day.

"Huh, where did Sayuri run off to," I said.

"I don't know her class to check in with her teacher.

I don't care much about it anyway. I better get to the commander right away," Elena said.

A few hours later.

"Yawn wow it is getting late I better find my room," I said.

"You will share a room with Iris".

Oh, that's right but where is the room oh, I see a door.

"Hello is anyone inside, may I come in," I said.

I walked inside and saw a little girl sitting in a chair,

"Is your name iris," I said.

"Yes, this is Iris's name.

It's so nice to meet you, Mr. Kazi from the Yasha clan," she said.