I can't believe I have to fight the black dragon and iris wants me to fight it in a duel because.
"Yuu stop thinking weird stuff and help us out," Sayuri said,
"Wait, where did the twins run off to," I said.
A few minutes later.
We had made it to the battle area and the black dragon was there waiting for me.
"Hello, Yuu it's nice to see you again,"
I heard a voice that I heard before starting somewhere
" Wait what's your name, I think I met you before, but I can't remember," I said.
"You don't need to know my name, you will remember soon, boy," he said.
A few hours later, I had only managed one cut on his body.
"Huff, did I beat your black dragon so tired," I asked him.
"Hahaha yes you had already won before you even met me, Yasha Kun," he said.
"Wait, how do you know my name,".
Wait, now I remember who he is.
``Your name is Yasha Ryu, one of the first heads of the Yasha clan," I said.
"Black spirit iris wants you to come home or iris will get mad at you," iris said.
"As you wish my lady, I will now form the contract with master you Please wait for me, my lady,"
later back at the school in Sayuri Pov.
"Kaina tell me when esprit noir will return," I said.
"I don't know when he will come back, Sayuri," he said.
Geez, where is Yuu Nii San when I need him?
He has no memories and remembers very little, and thinks I am his friend.
"Sayuri there are back,"
great Yuu and iris are back and Ryu is here as well, oh he had 2 names.
"Sayuri I am back with Yasha Ryu and Iris,'' Yuu said.
Later in someone else's Pov back in Kyoto.
"The time had finally come I will bring you back, konjaku," I said.
"Konjaku Sama you had been enjoying yourself,'' Feria said.
"Oh, that's right, I have to destroy the 10 shrines that seal my body away,".
After a thousand years, I will have my true body back.
Yuu Pov date Oct 22nd, 2022 "nothing beats me than a hot shower after a hard day, let me go in here," I said,
it was pitch black, and I could feel something, this feels weird.
"Hey, you idiot guesses who you just touched," Sayuri screams at me.
I better leave, phew that was close, she almost founded out it was me and.
A few minutes earlier.
"Are you a girl as well oh sorry about that I thought you were a guy sorry forgive me," she said,
what am I going to say to her when I see her again, she gives me the creeps,
"Hey Yuu are you heading from the bathe," Sayuri said,
"Huh, no, I am just going there now, Sayuri," I said.
She gave me a slip of paper.
It was from Kyoto.
The next morning during the morning roll call, Sayuri decided to tell the headmaster about the note and who it was from the femeie demon clan.
"So, we are going to stop them, Yuu right," Sayuri said.
"So, we'll have to go to Kyoto to stop these guys," I said.