Chapter 11 the day of the battle

The day of the battle.

1 month later

Yuu Pov.

Nov 26th, 2022.

Today had finally arrived, the final battle against my family but what I am going to do with Elena, I thought to myself.

"Hey you do want to fight your family don't you Yuu Kun," Elena said.

"Huh yeah I don't want to, but I have to fight the evil demons of my family and save iris and Sayuri as well," I said.

"Okay, but Sayuri is brainwashed by the head Yuu Kun," she told me.

Later that day at the location of the first of 3 battles, the location where I was before, I thought to myself then I heard a voice I had heard before

「 Takuai Yasha, or Yu-Kun. You may not know me, but I have known you for a long time. See you again. Until then, goodbye」, the voice said.

"That's strange, Elena, did you hear anything just now," I said.

"No, I only heard your voice, why Yuu Kun," she asked me.

"Never mind, I was daydreaming," I said.

If I told her that was real, she would think I had gone crazy, then a person came out of the shrine,

"it's the demon we fight first, Yuu Kun," Elena said.

"Wait before I fight, you have some snacks," Hakoui said.

"Wait, we want a duel one on one duel right now, if I win you will be our guide to the next battle deal," I said.

"Huh, okay deal, let's fight," he said while eating one-minute noodles from the store.

"Demon fire sword 1," Hakoui said.

Wait, what a demon sword.

The sword went flying and I just missed

," hey, I have no weapons," I said.

Then we heard the voice,

"You are a weapons master and use your power master." The voice said, but before I could answer, the voice,

I had 5 swords in my belly.

"Cough gakk," I said while coughing out blood, I grab the swords and pull them out of my body.

Then I wonder why I am still alive and not dead.

Then my body starts to change,

"Demon darkness flame vll I summon you my sword," I said.

Wait what am I saying,

"Wait who are you," Hakoui said,

wait I remember that demon is me in my last life I think,

「ああ,私は200年以上前に夜叉一族を統治した悪魔です.夜叉卓愛様です」I said.

So, I was a demon in my past life and a half-demon in this one as well,

"You win," Hakoui said.

I then changed back to normal, and we walked over to the location of the next battle.

"Wait, you were Takuai Sama in one of your past lives, Yuu -San,'' Hakoui said.

"Is that bad Hakoui San," I said

"Master arrived ``. The voice said,

"Hey, are you male or not," I said.

'Well, I'm a woman and thy name is Rinta Koayasha, the great granddaughter of Shibuya." she said.

Then a small girl walked from behind me.

She had black hair and her height was 4,5 ft and was my aunt's daughter, and she is 11 years old right now.

"Hello, rin Chan," I said.

`Hello, Yuu," she said.

"We are here Yuu Kun," Elena told me,

"Okay, let's do this. Halfway into the 2nd or 3rd battle.

"You're good at dodging my attacks, young boy," the demon said.

"Yeah, the only reason I am fighting you now is that he gave up so you better do the same," I said,

"ha-ha give up that's for wimps and humans demons would never give up now boy die demon darkness LV attack," he said then coughing out blood.

"How are you still alive," he said.

"Oh, because I was the one who created those moves more than 200 years ago, and you're only a human who drank the blood of a rat, not an Oni the head tricked you," I said.

"He lied to me," he said while throwing up the blood of the rat and his.

"Oji San, I got something to cover your wounds, "Rin said.

"Good job rin Chan, you are such a good girl aren't you," he said.

"Did you lose your memories of your own family or about your son Yuu Kun you did not forget didn't you father," I said.

"Ha-ha, you call that a duel, gives me a death battle," a known voice said.

"Sayuri is that you," I said.

I then saw Sayuri standing right there,

"Hello, I know you are the head of the Yasha clan, please come out of hiding," Elena said.

`I'm glad you found me, Sayuri end them now." he said.

"Demon slayer sword 8," I said and the sword hits and killed the demon inside Sayuri using her, she then woke up,

"Yuu Nii San it's you, I miss you," she said,

"We got no time we got to finish him off," I said,

"Wait, there's another way," Sayuri said.

"There is," I asked her.

She then told us the way to win this without killing him.

"Demon per mental ice sealer I will steal your body in the underworld for all the time," I said, and the head was grabbed by the devil himself and had his head eaten off with the rest of him, then the devil disappeared, and I collapsed,

Sayuri Pov.

"Yuu Nii San," I said.

"All the seals that were destroyed had returned and let Yuu Kun back to the hotel," Elena said.

Later at the hotel and the headmaster was right there at the foot of the door,

"Hello miss headmaster sorry we are late things got messed up, and the battle just began and finished an hour ago with Yuu Nii San final move that made us win the battle," I said.

"Where is he?"

the headmaster said.

"In that bedroom getting treatment and Yuu Kun is in a deep sleep at now," Elena said.

"Iris wants you Kun right now iris is happy to see Yuu and Elena," iris said,

"How about me, iris," I said.

She then ran off into Yuu's room, and we then followed her, and we were shocked Yuu were standing right there.

," hey iris you're going to get hurt if you run near other people, be careful next time," he said.

"Yuu Nii San, you're awake," I said.

He didn't reply and picked me up.

Yes, my older brother was carrying me, and it felt weird and Yuki and Sakai were right there.

"When are we returning," both of them said,

"One day from now," Elena said.

"Well, once we return it will be close to the winter holidays, won't it be Nii San," I said.

"Yeah, yeah I'm bringing you to bed little girls like you need to go to sleep now Sayuri Chan," he said.

The next morning, we took Ryu's back again, and we were flying back to where Elena called home.

Later that day.

"There weren't any dragon attacks, were they," I said.

"No, there were no attacks," Elena said.

"Should you be going to your teacher now and tell him you're here cause only 50 of the students came with us, Sayuri Chan," Yuu said.

"Okay, Nii San, I will tell him right away," I said.

In the classroom.

"How was your family meeting Sayuri Chan," Mr. Sadia told me, "

Good, it was the first time in 3 years I had returned to my home country," I said.

The next day.

In Yuu Pov,

"Okay, class, we got 2 new students today, one in the 1-year class and one in our class," the teacher said.

I was wondering who the new students were and Yuita was right there

. "Hello, my name is Yuita fuku-Yasha, Yu-Kun's cousin, "she said.

"Okay, the other one is busy and will be here at the break," the teacher said.

"Where do I sit, sensei," she said.

"You can sit in the empty seat behind Yuu," the teacher said.

"Okay," she said,

she then sat down in the seat behind me an hour later during class.

The teacher and I heard something,

`Yuita fuku Yasha, it's nice to meet you again after a few days," Elena said.

"Hey Elena Chan, what are you doing here," I said.

"Easy, I am transferring here as a student but not in your Yuu Kun," she said.

"Oh, you're in-class 1a, Elena Chan," the teacher said.

"Oh, okay," Elena said.

Then leaving the area,

" Oh, remember to meet me in that place in 2 minutes," she said.

"Code red fire drill all students outside now," one of the staff said

. I then lied to the staff who was in charge that I had to use the washroom.

After I ran into the classroom, the staff who saw me a few minutes ago saw me and I used the code Elena gave me and a door opened, and I went through the door and was followed by the teacher in charge of the fire drill.

"Good you are here Yuu Kun," Elena said.

Then Sayuri came in through a different door from her classroom.

"We are all here," Sayuri said.

"Iris is here as well," Iris said.

"Okay let go in our plan phase one done get all students out of this building phase 2 is to set up stuff for the month of joy and defences for any attacks from demons and dragons that are untamed, and I will tell you the next phase in a week time," Sayuri said as the student body president.

After school in our dorm room.

I heard that the TV was on, and it was on date a live iii.

So, I turned it off.

"Finally, some quiet --," I said, then a big bang happened, and a young girl appeared from nowhere.

Then Elena and Sayuri and Yuita were all in my room,

" This girl is a half-dragon child," Elena said.

"Wait, how old is she," Yuita said.

"About 6- 7 years old," Sayuri said.

"Wait, how old," I said in rage.

"Senior brother, where are you," the girl said.

"Elena, do you know what happened to her brother," I said.

"Yes, I do know what happened to him, Yuu senpai," she said.

Why is she calling me senpai now?

Wait a minute didn't the guards shoot down a big dragon early on, things will go down.

"That can't be, it tells me it is not true," I said.

Then a person walked through the doors.

He was the same dragon we shot down an hour ago.

Well, I was in this room an hour ago.

"Hello, I hope you will treat her nicely. I cannot stay here for very long, so I will leave her to you guys and her name is Mia," he said then left.

"Hey, please come back," I said.