Chapter 18

At the camping ground.

"You are sure you got everything here do you Yukia San," I said.

"Yes, I am sure," she said as she was setting up our tent.

"Hey Nii San are you busy I need help with something and bring Yukia San with you as well," Sayuri said.

A few moments later.

"Sayuri, what just happened here and why does it smell like fire over here," I said as I went to see what it was, and it was her cooking.

"Nii San, can you cook the meals for us please," she said.

"Okay, but the thing you were just cooking was what it was," I said.

She then whispered in my ear what she was just making.

So, she was making that again, doesn't she know what her older brother likes? It is that, but not the burnt version of it.

"Fine, give me the leftovers and I can remake it," I said as I began to cook the meal for everyone.

20 minutes later.

"Sayuri, do you know where Yukia is?" I said, trying to look for her.

"Yes, I saw her, she is right behind you and Nii San you idiot," she said.

"What club are you joining, my little sister," Kotuku said as he was wondering what club I would join in a year.

"Hey Yuu Nii San, are you going to join that club again," Sayuri said.

"You mean the light music club don't you Sayuri Chan and yes I am planning to join as a guitarist again," I said as I was finishing cooking the meals since we were only here for 3 days at the latest.

That same night in the tent.

"Hey Yukimura, are you awake," Yukia said, scared out of her mind.

"Yes, I am Yukia, why are you holding my arm? Sayuri is in trouble and-- ah, what is happening to me," I said then blacked out.

"Yuu are you alright," Yukia said. Then Koto entered the tent. "My wife, what is wrong with her," he said.

"I don't know, take Yuu I mean Yukimura over to Sayuri," she said crying.

Then Sayuri entered the tent.

"Want is wrong with my brother," she said, looking at my body.

Wait a minute, am I outside my own body. And what Sayuri is saying to them.

I went over to my sister to listen in to their conversation, and I was shocked.

"Huh, you are saying that Yuu was a wish that person made 10 years before the demon battle but wasn't he 14 when he killed the demon," both of them said.

So that explains everything, doesn't it? I should tell Sayuri to make the tree wither.

I then entered my body and woke up and everything was blurry.

"Hello, please make the tree wither," I said, calming down a crying Sayuri.

"But if I do wither the tree, you will---," she said, crying her eyes out.

"I know, just do it," I said, being calm as ever.

She then made the tree wither away.

The next day at school.

I walked to my classroom when one of my friends stopped me.

"Who are you and what class are you in and are you new here, cause you look like a friend we used to have," the students said.

"No, sorry, you got the wrong person," I said as they were leaving.

I then went back home, where the only people who remembered my existence were my family. Plus, they are now the only ones who can see me.

"Nii San you're making dinner today, okay," Sayuri said.

"Okay Sayuri I am on it," I said as I cooked food for my little sister. Now let me rephrase that, my little girlfriend. And most of what you just noticed was only a dream.