Chapter 20 the different timelines.

In Yuu Pov.

"So, Elena you stopped your story when you say timeline but since I got my past life memories back can you tell me more," I asked her.

"Sorry but that is all I can tell you and I want to see Shizuku Chan so bye Yuu Kun," she said running off.

Huh so she wants to see her but isn't she…

"Yukimura there you are," Shizuku said.

"Dam it speak of the devil Shizuku it is good thing you're here," I said as I looked behind me and noticed her hugging me.

"What book are you reading," she asked me noticing the book I was reading.

"The history of cultivating written by Lin Mai and I don't know who that person is are if they are still living," I answered her.

"They should be dead it been a few thousand years since that book was written," Shizuku replied to me.

And solving the mystery of The Legend of Scarlet Darkness is going to be a pain, who was the first one and it better not be Elena because I am going to find out how the line of scarlet darkness begun sooner or later.

Then the others walked inside of the room.

"What are you doing Yukimura Chan," Yukia asked me.

"Huh nothing yeah nothing at all," I said quicky hiding the book.

I do know that time travel is possible but if only I can find one and go back to the beginning then I would make newer choices.

"I see now," Yukia said in a calm matter.

"You are thinking about time traveling aren't you Yukimura Chan," Kota asked me.

"How did you know that I was thinking of time traveling," I asked them.

"because of your look on your face and just to tell you Sakai San has a time machine in her house," Yukia said.

"Nii San if you want to go then go when you return to that time you will be in your past body and we will be forgot about the events of the last 90 something years," Sayuri told me.

"I don't care I am going so guys goodbye and thanks for everything," I told them.

I then ran over to the Head's or Sakai's house and entered as fast as possible.

"So, you are doing this again," Sakai told me.

"Wait again I never done this before," I answered her.

"Sorry you may go then see you again Yuu San," she said as she pushed me inside of the time machine.

"Okay I set the date to October 9th 2022 so Sakai goodbye," I answered for the last time in this timeline.

"Wait Nii San," I heard her say but the time machine left before I could finger out why she called me that.

October 9th 2022.

It looks like it works and I remember this place it is the apartment I rented for 2 weeks before transferring to that school that Elena founded. Now time to meet Elena.

I then ran over to her house and good thing it was still early morning because in the last timeline I went right to school and met her there. I am lucky I know where her manor is or else it would be trouble for me.

"Yes, who is it," the servant said.

"I want to see your miss," I told her.

"Okay wait in here I am cooking something for the young miss right now," she answered me.

I then sat down at the table it is too bad this house would burn down in 2 days from now and my crazy adventures will begin after that.

"Good morning, Elena," Elena said from the bathroom.

So, this is what happened on this day.

I then saw Elena exited the bathroom and she noticed me.

"Who are you," she asked me.

"You don't remember me I am Yuu Kazi Yasha don't forget about that Elena," I answered her.

"Oh, Yuu Kun you are back but how are you here you should leave or are you thinking about your sister," she asked me.

"Wait you know where she is," I said with joy.

"Yes, I know she is at currently but you have to pretend that you are childhood friends since you know," she replied to me.

"Okay but should I go to school today," I asked her.

"No, it is the same boring stuff he talks about all the times so you can skip school for the next couple days," she answered me.

"Okay then I will go somewhere else," I replied to her.

I then headed to a cafe and sat down in one of the stools.

"I need to transfer for it will take me 2 days to do that so manager should I skip," I asked myself in question.

"Yes, young boy you should skip cause that school is the worst because when I was a student at that place the teachers forced us to work with no breaks at all then 20 years ago when I graduated from the high school, they allowed foreigners inside of the school and the rules changed so you can go if you want to but be warned of vampires," the café owner told me.

Huh vampires never heard of them before in the first time I gone to the school I never heard of this café before now wait a minute.

"Are you Elian at or do you know her at all," I asked the old man.

"Uh no I never heard of her sorry young man and here is your coffee and pastries as you ordered," the old man said.

"Yu Kun, I ordered the blood A favored tea I mean rosemary and why are we here again," a young girl asked a man sitting across from her.

"Shh be quiet we are here on a mission," the man said.

I the left the café and took my coffee outside and it was now lunch so I should get on the rooftop and eat lunch there oh wait I shouldn't.

I then suddenly remembered the white dragon which attacked me on the school roof so I should stay away from her for now because I want a peaceful life but I will still have to meet iris and Sakai and her twin sister and I believe Sakai uses a fake name right now due to her family there are not allowed to reveled their true name to anyone at all or else but Sakai told me her true name 4 days from today when both of us are at the new school but what was her sister's name again I always call her Yuki but I forgot again.

(Those two from the café are from an upcoming story I am going to write soon.)

"Why isn't this Korean place open yet I want to eat Korean food and I even took a week off just to eat here and to get Elena back as well," Sayuri said.

Huh Sayuri what is she doing there and what time is it.

Oh, it is 12:30 right now so everything should be fine.

I then noticed a dragon which tried to attack Sayuri so I jumped in to save her.

"Sayuri watch out a dragon is about to attack you," I said as I grabbed her and pushed her out of the path of the dragon.

Didn't this happen before.

"Yuu San what are you doing here," she asked me.

"I was just walking and enjoying the area," I said calmly.

"I think you were lying to me weren't you," she answered me.

I then told her if we were really blood related siblings at all.

"What are you talking about we are childhood friends," she said running off.

a month later at the middle school that Elena runs.

This is weird usually I would be back in Japan planning to attack the Yasha family meaning they are not attacking us and this time I first met Sakai and Yuki at this school but I am wondering why Sakai called me Nii San before I time travelled and I wondered what happened to Yukimura.

I was in my dorm room which I had by myself and I think Iris never came to this place in this timeline.

"Huh what is happening to me," I said as I blacked out.

In the first timeline.

"Huh who are you," I said as I bumped into a young girl while on a trip for one of the teachers.

"….," the young girl said.

Wait what now I remember in the first timeline I met Iris on the streets but in who did I fell in love with in that one again since it was the original one.

"I think I need to go back to the first timeline and meet Sayuri and I think I am already in that one.

Dream ended.

The next morning.

"Good morning," I said as I gotten myself out of bed.

And nobody was there but me still no Iris this time I wonder why she didn't transfer here at all.

I then noticed a book that Sakai dropped the other day.

"The history of the Kauai family written by Lin Mai," I read.

Huh this person again how many books did they written and let me read this.

"Hello I am Lin Mai and I discovered a weird family," the author of the book said.

"In the last 12,000 years they have grown from a small Chinese clan during the jin kingdom and moved to Japan about 11900 years ago," the author said explaining the history of that family more.

After a few hundred pages.

"Then 9 years ago a thief broke in and kidnapped their 5-year-old son "Yuu Kazi Kauai" and had taken him far away it is unknown what happened to him but this online book will blow up in 5 – 4 -3 -2 -1

. "Wait what," I said in shock as the book blew up in my face.

Now this is shocking I am not related to Sayuri at all.

"Yuu San are you awake yet," Sakai Asked me.

"Yes, I am awake Sakai San I answered her.

So, she must be my younger sister but why did I marry Yuki in the last one if I am blood related to them.

"Then head down to the base right away we need you," she said in an upset tone.

Wait so the black dragon attack is on a different date last time it happened in early October only a few days after I arrived there and the Yasha family didn't make any plans to attack at all.

I then arrived at the base and everyone was there but iris.

"The black dragon is attacking us and we need you to fight it," Elena said.

"Yes, Yuu San if you defeat it your rank will go up a whole lot," Sayuri told me.

"Okay I will go right away," I said as I left to the battle area.

It been a longtime since the last time I been here but only I dueled against Ryu and won against him and he even signed a contract.

"aren't you going to fight me," he said.

"of course, I am Ryu San now let's fight," I said as I pulled out my sword and stabbed him right away.

A few hours later.

"Is it finally over did I beat you," I asked him.

"of course, you did----," he said suddenly he stopped speaking.

Huh he is still alive isn't he.

I then noticed that his clothes were ripped to pieces and I realize that something was off with his body.

"You are a girl," I said

"Ah you give me my clothes back," she screamed in terror.

Now this is weird the Ryu I knew was a guy but I never saw him without clothes on so he must have been a girl since the start.

"Sorry my bad here you go," I said taking my uniform shirt off.

"Where is your base I need some clean clothes," she said.

I then picked her up and went over to the base.

"Yuu San, you had returned and Ryu San I see he found out," Sayuri said looking at me in a gross way.

Later in the dorm room.

Is she done changing yet?

"Hey perv can I talk to you for a bit," Ryu asked me in her angry tone.

"Sure, why not," I replied to her.

"What timeline is this?" she said suddenly shocking me.

I then did mind reading to talk to her.

I think this is the original timeline but only the dates are the same as they were in the original timeline but only that will change after I confess to one of the girls.

"So, it will Yuu San," she asked me.

"Uh yeah but how do you remember the other timelines," I asked her.

I then noticed a name on a poster that Ryu dropped a second ago.

Shiokara Hinata age unknown gender male.

Who is this person?

"Yuu San that person is an idol in a boy's band and the lead singer no one knows his real age but he is so young he must be in his teens," Ryu said screaming like a fangirl who saw her idol.

"You're talking about shiokara Hinata San aren't you Ryu," I answered her.

"Of course, I am people are saying that he will be touring in Kyoto next year," she said.

"Fine," I replied.

I then walked to Sayuri's room.

"Sayuri are you in there," I asked her with no reply.

Huh is she not here let me look for her.

"Yuu San why are you standing there," Sakai asked me.

"Oh, I was looking for Sayuri have you seen her anywhere," I answered her wondering where she was at.

"No, I haven't seen her Yuu San ask Elena San she may know," she said giving me a person to ask.

"Thanks," I said.

I then left the base to look for her cause last time I talked to Elena and found out about the letter so I am going to Kyoto to see if she had returned yet.

At the airport.

"… Nii San," Sayuri said as she noticed me.