Chapter 24 Confession Finale. Saving Sayuri.

A few hours later.

Outside the hot springs.

So, we are finally here.

Everyone was gathered outside like we had planned.

"Why do I Have to go inside the building with you," Sakai asked me.

Earlier this morning, after the little peeping thing.

"Ouch," I said.

"So, what is the plan Yuu San," Hira asked me.

"Okay, the plan is this you and Remia keep watch from outside the hot spring and Sakai and I will go inside the secret base when there's no one else around," I explained the plan to her.

"Okay, that's sound amazing, let's do it," Hira said.

Back to present.

"So is that's why I am with you, Yuu San," Sakai asked me.

"Yes, it is Sakai now we wait for the next stage of my plan," I answered her.

I then called Hira on my mic.

"Hira Chan, how is it going on your side," I asked her.

"Everything is going well, and the guard is on his break so…," she answered me.

"Let's go," I said, grabbing Sakai's hand.

"… Nii San," she murmured.

We then ran into the building.

"Yuu San, watch out," Sakai said, pushing me into the building.

Well, she does have great fighting skills.

For now, I need to get to the bottom layer and save Sayuri.

It looks like this place has tons of bathers here, so I better be careful.

I then noticed a door.

Huh, this wasn't here the last time I was here now was it.

"Hey, did you hear the girls are doing crazy let's peep," A male bather said.

Phew, he didn't see me, and that person nearly gave me a heart attack.

I then opened the door and walked thought the doorway and I saw a staircase leading down to the bottom layer.

"I should go down these stairs, Sayuri wait for me," I told myself.

The area around here is creepy now, isn't it.

I then reached the 2nd bottom layer.

Just one more row left to do.

"I am almost there--," I said.

What is this, why is the rest of the staircase missing.

"Oh, this it was like this for 50 years now, and I couldn't leave the area so young man you better turn back," A old man said smoking a puff.

"How long were you stuck here for, old man," I asked him.

"50 years I think this old man can't remember stuff, and it has been 30 years since I last saw anyone down here," he said.

"Then did you hear anyone," I asked the old man.

"I did hear a young girl for a second, but the sound disappeared moments after that," The old man said.

I then noticed that he wasn't speaking anymore.

So, I went to check on him and realize something, he was already dead.

"Ah now I get it the message was prerecorded," I said.

I then saw a tape.

"Finale tape of life," I read the name, and it looked like this man writes in kana.

I then played the tape and listened to it.

"Hello, old man, your work here is done," Lin Mai said.

"Wait, my work here is done, what do you mean," he said.

"Easy, I am replacing you with this girl I kidnapped from the airport, so I need you to die," she said.

I then noticed a CD and placed it inside the DVD player.

Lin Mai had a sword in her hand and had easily placed the old man's head on a wooded plank and easily behead him in one hit.

"So, you already know that that girl killed me, but I am immortal so no one can even lay their hands on me," he said.

"Wait, who are you," I asked him.

"You will know one day now go," he said.

I then realized I was standing on air.

So, this is a trick.

Huh, the person is gone, did I imagine things.

I then reached the bottom layer and saw Sayuri sleeping on the ground.

"Sayuri I am here to save you," I answered her.

"Nii…. San.," she said, sleepy.

I then carried her outside and noticed Lin Mai standing at the doorway, not saying anything.

Outside the hot spring.

"You saved her didn't you Yuu San," Sakai asked me with a smile on her face.

"For now, let's take her to the hotel," I answered her.

We then made it back to the hotel.