Chapter 31 the transfer students...

"Yeah, Kauai yasha Yu you didn't know that you're the only male in that class this year," he told me.

"Yeah, thanks for telling me that," I responded to him. 

"Okay, my girlfriend is calling me and let's be friends," he asked me. 

After that, he left. 

Well, I better get back to class now. 

And I wonder who his girlfriend is, well it doesn't matter. 

In the classroom. 

"Morning senpai," Sakura greeted me. 

"Ah morning, Sakura chan," I greeted her back. 

"Senpai, you didn't talk about Hinata San why didn't you in the online group chat last night," she asked me. 

"It was nothing and don't tell me you know already," I answered her. 

"Oh, if you're talking about Hinata San then yes Yuki told me earlier on the phone that Hinata is a female, but I wonder why she is using a fake first name for a stage name really weird right senpai," Sakura told me. 

"Thanks Sakura chan I will look into it later," I responded to her. 

Then the teacher walked inside. 

"Good morning class I am sorry to say this, but I made a mistake we are having two new transfer students, and they are coming today so can they please enter," the teacher said. 

Then two young girls enter the classroom. 

One of them have long and curly white hair? 

And the other have long in twin tails black hair. 

Does this have a meaning and don't tell me that one of the students is Shizuku my older sister in my life as Yukimura. 

"Hello I am aria shiokara the twin sister to the famous idol," she lied to the class. 

Hinata San most of the class knows your identity now, so oh wait it will be troubling if the public finds out that their male idol is really a female. 

And is aria her real name? 

After Shizuku did her introduction to the class. 

"Okay, you two sit next to Kauai San and I will leave you two. Girls to him," the teacher said. 

The two girls then sat down in the two empty seats next to mine. 

And the teacher begun his lesson. 

After class. 

"Yuu San what are you doing today," Yuki asked me. 

"Going home sorry Yuki, I cannot make it to the club today please tell kotori that I won't be attending for the next few days," I told her. 

"Okay I will tell her, "She responded to me. 

I then left the classroom. 

Outside the school. 

"Shizuku tell me why are you attending school in this era," I asked her. 

"Er because I asked mom if I was allowed to go to school in the past and she agreed with me even when I went back to 7 years ago for you a couple months ago," she told me. 

Wait she went back in time to when I was still a young boy. 

"But I thought you cannot see my current life appearance so tell me what is going on here," I demanded of her. 

"Sorry I cannot tell you anything right now," she answered me and ran away from me. 

I wonder why she cannot tell me anything?

"Yukimura chan have you seen Shizuku chan anywhere," kotuku asked me. 


"Huh really I just saw you 4 months ago," I told him. 

"Really it only been an hour since I saw you and mai chan at the cafe," he responded to me. 

Only an hour huh? 

"Shizuku is currently a student at my school and I cannot tell you anymore details about it since I am supporting her choice," I answered him. 

"Okay I know I was there when mom allowed her to time travel but— oh wait your part of this time aren't you now Yukimura I mean yuu and have you met my last life yet," he asked me. 

"Last life? No what are you talking about," I asked him in an odd matter. 

"Let me tell you my name in my last life is shiokara Hinata," he told me. 

Then the person herself was waiting for me at the elevator leading up to the apartment. 

"Who is that man next to you Yu San," she asked me. 

"He is just a friend who dropped by to say hello he was just about to leave," I answered her. 

So, they both have the same soul now that is unthinkable how can two people with a piece of the same soul be together in the same era. 

"Kotuku can I talk to you alone," I asked him. 


We then walked into an empty room that both of us had rented out. 

"Tell me if you're the full reincarnation of Hinata or just have a piece of her soul inside of your body," I asked him. 

"I am——"he said then disappearing before saying anything

Oh, did his time travel thing ended already. 

So, the Sakai over there did something. 

Well, I can finger that out later. 

But first I need to return to Hinata so that she doesn't worry about me. 


Why is everything starting to feel funny all a sudden. 


and I was back in earlier this morning

And after school before I walked with Shizuku this time I decided against that and decided to walk with aria (Hinata). 

"Want to walk home together," I asked her. 

"Sure," she responded to me. 

"Aria what is your real name?" I asked her. 

"What do you mean.... oh, right I can tell you my name now," she answered me. 

She then whispered it into my ear. 

Wow her name is a beauty no wonder that is why I heard that name in ads and other places before but **** is a pretty name. 

Then I blacked out and woken up 2 weeks ago. 

Well, if I remember correctly, I didn't know that Hinata is a girl yet so I should keep that to myself for now. 

But why did I wake up 2 weeks in the past. 

I didn't know this at the time but something big was about to happen. 

Later in class. 

"Hey Yu have you heard about the idol event in 2 weeks," Yuki asked me. 

"Ah no I haven't heard about its Yuki chan," I lied to her. 

"That is okay I will go over to nee San's class later and ask her during lunch," she responded to me. 

Oh, right I forgot that kotori was in a different class but are they twins or something else. 

"Wait Yuki are you and kotori twins at all," I asked her. 

"Ah no we aren't related at all I don't know my family so my current family adopted me and I totally did not lie about my age" she answered my question. 

I can just ask Sakai to research it later. 

Cause this is new information. 

Now since I already know that Hinata is a female I don't have to worry about that anymore. 

That night. 

"Nii San, I found something out just now," Sakai told me. 

"What is it," I asked her. 

"Yuki is part of the Kauai family and it doesn't say how old she is so telling me when you fingered out okay nii San" she answered me. 

The next afternoon in the clubroom. 

"Kotori San," I called her. 

"Yes yuu," she greeted back at me. 

"I found out that Yuki isn't related to you but is somehow related to my family and is she really lying about her age," I asked her. 

"Actually, Yu your misheard something well it is true that Yuki and your sister Sakai are born on the same day but there was three born on that day and I heard one of them have a nickname," kotori explained everything to me. 


Does she mean Yuki in the twin sister to Sakai who I haven't seen for over six months now. 

Well not since the new year's party. 

But what was her real name again? 

And this is going to be weird now confessing with Yuki is out of the question now since we are blood related but I should keep that fact from her for now. 

"Oh, and talk to Sakura after club she got something to tell you, "She asked me. 


After club was over. 

I wonder what Sakura wanted to talk to me about. 

Mm I hope it isn't anything bad or anything. 

"Good your here Kauai Sama," Sakura shouted at me. 


Wow she hasn't been this angry at me since that time I took her to the theme park 2 months ago. 

(During the time skip) 

"Why did you lie to me senpai you told me that the rollercoaster wasn't scary how dare you," she said slapping me across the face. 

Now I remember that slap hurts a lot. 


"Why are you saying that and kotori told me everything, so let me explain first," she told me. 

"Ah okay whatever you say," I answered her. 

"Okay where to start ah yes....," she said/. 

After she explained the whole issue to me. 

"Okay and you said you wanted me to go to some magic country and meet some girl well I got the girl part but how am I going to get to a magic nation does that even exist? Now," I asked her. 

"Yes, and to be able to enter the magic country please go over to this small town and enter Alice's toy store then walk into either the male or female washrooms and flush yourself down the wait never mind about that I mean walk through the washroom walls," she answered me. 

Okay then I guess I can leave right now then.