Chapter 39 idol?

Idol's dream I

At the school.

Today is going to be a great day now isn't it.

"Yu good morning," one of my classmates greeted me.

"Good morning Yuma how was your weekend," I asked her.

"It was okay I did went camping with my family but it rained on our last day there and we had to return home earlier than expected and Yu how about you," she answered me.

Yuma Fu a beauty with long black hair with a high IQ she even became the class leader and I don't know much about her.

"I just stayed at home," I responded to her.

"Well okay and tell aria to tell her brother to give me a picture with his name on it," she asked me with joy.

Aria? Who the fuck is——

Oh, shit I totally forgotten about Hinata's another name and if Yuma ever put two and two together, she would be shocked to find out that her favorite boy idol is a girl.

She then sat down at her desk and I walked over to mine which was located near the window one row before the end.

"This book is so good," Hinata whispered to herself out loud.

I turned around to see what book she was reading and saw that she was reading a r 18 novel which I have no idea how she snuck that in without anyone suspecting her at all.

The name of the novel is my wet sister an r 18 novel with sexual content in almost every chapter where the protagonist saw his sister naked once and started fucking each other plus I already watch the hentai based off of it which is the same thing.

"Hin—aria that book don't you know what type of novel it is," I whispered to her.

"No, I don't but isn't this my cute sister is an angel why are so worried Kauai San," she asked me.

"Wait let me tell you the actual name of the novel you are reading right now," I told her.

"O-okay," she responded to me.

I then whispered into her ear the name of the novel and she blushed all red of embarrassment after hearing the name and almost screamed but decided not to make a fuss and quietly put the book back into her bag.

She may had mistaken my book for her book she been reading cause the plot in both books are the same with one difference the sister is an angel and there aren't any sex scenes in the novel at all and it was even adapted in a ova special which was only 6 minutes and I think it was fan-made and there weren't any voices for the protagonist and only covered the first chapter of the novel.

Oh, one thing the author of that book wrote my wet sister as well and I wonder if the author is a middle-aged man with posters all over his walls.

Wait I can just find the author's name.

Starlight dream

Mm wait I forgotten this book was also translated into English fuck.

I then started forcing on my work and didn't play Hinata any notice at all.

"Hey can I talk to you later before you go to your club or are you too busy to have time to talk with me Kauai San," Hinata whispered to me.

"Meet me outside the clubroom after school today," I whispered to her.

Later at lunch.

In the school cafe.

"Hey Yu are you going to join us for lunch today," Yuki asked me.

"Ah yes I will join you guys I even brought my lunch just now," I responded to her.

I then put my tray of food on the table and sat down next to Yuki.

"Wow that looks gross the lunch lady is so rude to you isn't she Yu so you can have some of my lunch," Yuki told me.

"N- "

"Okay here you go Yu," She suddenly dumped some of her food onto my tray before I had the chance to tell her no.

Why I couldn't even tell her anything at all.

Well, I better eat this food Yuki chan gave me.

"Thanks for the food"

I then started to eat the food and the taste was so sweet the fish deep fried in oil with soy sauce as a dipping sauce and a soup at the side, the soup was a non-meat dish which had a spicy taste to it and it was good.

"I haven't eaten this dish for a while so I even forgotten the name of the dish," I thought to myself.

Yuki then stared at me and asked me fatuity.

"Are you okay you have tears coming out of your eyes is it too spicy for you."

I then responded to her

"No, it is great,"

I then slowly finished my dish without making any comment to anyone at all.

Later after school.

Well okay I better meet Hinata outside of the classroom now.

I then walked over to the clubroom and saw Hinata with her long white hair and petite body but how tall was she again?

"Okay can we enter the clubroom I don't want anyone to hear this," she asked me.

"I will listen to you," I nodded.

I then entered the clubroom with Hinata next to me.

As soon as we entered the clubroom Hinata ran over to the door and covered the windows and sat down in an empty seat.

"I can tell you now so listen carefully Kauai San," she asked me blushing of shame.


"I gotten a call from one of my idol members saying that he was going to move across from us and he is in the process of moving into that apartment room so I cannot return back since don't know if he knows my real gender," she answered me.

"Wait did her mentioned about you suddenly cancelling your show which was going to happened on Friday plus I was about to study," I responded to her answer.

"Huh study for what?"

She is clueless now isn't she.

Oh, right she only transferred in just over a week ago and for the past few days I been studying nonstop.

"The exams are on Friday and Saturday for our classes and then first term is over and summer begins," I told her.


She then whispered into my ear.

"No one told me about the exams and I been officially allowed to skip the exam and just skip school for those two days so how do you like that," she rudely commented at me.

"Well did you know the author of the books you like is called starlight dream do you know what that means in Japanese at all," I threw her nasty comment right back towards her face which made her dumbstruck.

"Wait how did you know about my nickname I called myself back in middle school—damn it you found out that I wrote this book in my 2nd year of middle school while I was suffering from that 8th grade thing," she cried in shame.

Huh she was the author of my wet sister and the other one as well but isn't the angel one ongoing so that means she writing it still isn't she no wait last night when I checked the website and found out that she haven't uploaded in 2.5 years since the latest chapter is chapter 90 and the plot in the story is broken after someone made a nasty comment asking if the author died or something but I cannot remember since I responded to that comment telling the rude user to shut up and even blocked him afterwards but the flow of rude comments continued on until she disabled all comments and cancelled her novel saying that she will not write ever again.

She then continued ranting for a good while and without her noticing that the others were in the clubroom the whole time.

"Hey are you done ranting yet you been talking about stuff nonstop for a half hour," Sakura broke the silence around everyone.

"Huh how long had you guys been standing here for," Hinata asked everyone.

"Since you mentioned about the idol thing since the beginning and we came in through the 2nd door which was covered from your view so thank Yu for covering your view from us entering sorry," everyone answered right away.

"The whole time that's it I am going back now good day humph," she stomped away angrily.

I wonder what that was all about.

Later back at the apartment I noticed a man standing next to the door.

"Hello young man has you seen this boy anywhere in the last few hours, "he suddenly asked me.

"Do you mean Hinata—I mean no I haven't seen him anywhere and who are you? I don't think we met before," I answered him.

He then answered me right away.

"I just want to confirm my suspicion so can I enter your room for a bit," he answered me.

Suspicion? Does he know that Hinata is a girl and is trying to see if it is real at all.



Hello that was idol dream I and the person we just met who is he and what will happen in the next chapter and this arc will end at around new years of this year but don't panic the story itself will have the arc end around January of 2025 in the novel so please sit back and continue reading legend of scarlet darkness.

Update arc will be over by late January to early February.

update 2: arc will be over by june