Chapter 43 confession 1/13

Idol dream v 

3 weeks later.

In the classroom. 

"Man, why am I am on cleaning duty today," I asked myself. 

"hee Yu, you should really ask yourself that," a classmate I haven't seen before spoken to me in a rude tone. 


Wait who is this person? 

"Who are you," I asked the strange person in front of me.

"Huh you don't know me allow me to introduce myself my name is Miyoka Sakari it is a pleasure to meet you Kauai Yu and if you don't mind, please sign this paper for me," the pers--I mean girl introduced herself to me. 

I then looked at the paper. 

-sexual relations- 

I will have sex with only one girl----

Huh? what the-- is this thing and there is no way I am signing this piece of crap. 

"Okay then I will not take any of your time and here is my contact number call me if you need anything," the girl responded to me. 

She then handed me a card. 

Name: Miyoka Sakari 

Age: around 14 – 24

Height 159 cm

A strange girl? 

Huh! she is the heir of the Miyoka finance company what the heck is going on here. 

I wonder what that was all about and aria wasn't here today it being most likely her idol stuff man I cannot wait until I reveal her gender to the world on Christmas day.

But I think Hinata is cute—no she can't be she is an idol no this is dangerous what am I thinking. 

I better go home then. 

I then grabbed my stuff and walked out of my classroom. 

"Yu, are you heading home now," Yuki asked me. 

"Oh, Yuki chan yes, I am on my way home now why?" I responded to her. 

"ah okay never mind," she spoke before running off. 

What is with her anyway she has been acting weird since summer and for some reason she isn't going near me or Hinata at all? 

"Well, I guess I better get going," I told myself. 

Later at the flat. 

"finally, back home," I said throwing my stuff onto the ground. 

I soon took off my shoes and leaped right onto my-----



Huh? why did I bonk my head when I was about to lay down on my bed? 

I then looked and realized my bed was gone? 

"Wait where is my bed?" I screamed out in anger. 


"It looks like someone took your bed and your room and completely destroyed it," Yuma fu spoken to me. 

"Yeah, does it look like that Yuma San," I answered her. 

"what's going on over there why is Yu kun on the ground over there," Hira asked me. 


Why is she here she is the last person I want to see right now.

"Kauai Kun's room been blocked off for an odd reason?" Yuma told her. 

"Oh, is that right because I heard something different from Sakura and a strange girl I haven't seen before," Hira spoken out of nowhere. 

"Huh don't tell me that----"