Chapter 17

Enlil is thoughtful for a moment. - Not true. Your family symbol is not from the territory of the undead. He still kept a low voice that only the two could hear, yet Madelin was aware of the conversation and not just the two of them, of all the conversations in the group.

Levi didn't know what to say, he told him the truth, but apparently he didn't believe him. I grew up in the territory of the undead. And if you still don't believe me, you can ask the teacher at the end of the class.

Enlil did not insist anymore, he decided to ask the teacher after school. She was about to speak again.

Madelin with a voice that runs through the room with ease. - Let's start the class.

Before we start with the topics of pharmaceuticals, she talked a little about the history of the world.

The world does not have a specific name, but there are other worlds connected to it by portals. Some of them also have no name, those that come to have a name is because they are completely dominated by a race. He gave a small example: the world of angels, which they named Lux. Another example would be the world of demons which they called Tenebris.

He gave a small introduction about some magicians who marked history. In this part she gets excited.

He begins to raise his tone of voice using a more fiery tone. He begins to relate how these big names once in his life were forced to ask pharmacists for help.

She spoke passionately about the same topic throughout the class.

The students were attentive to his words, but there will always be some student who shows no interest in the words of a teacher. In this case it is Levi.

He fell asleep throughout the class. He woke up when Madelin ended the class.

He goes to the door of the living room like the others, but one hand holds him from his shoulder. Levi thought it was the girl, however, he was wrong, who stopped him was Madelin.

With a big smile on her face, Madelin holds Levi by the shoulder. - Since you slept during class, you don't need the hours of rest.

Madelin forces Levi to stay.

Levi sighed helplessly, walking to the seat I previously occupied.

Madelin stopped him and instructed him to sit in one of the first places.

When Levi sat down, Madelin again talks about the same topic. She made it clear to him that if he fell asleep again she wouldn't let him leave the room until he fully heard everything his classmates heard.

Madelin was happy to speak, while Levi appeared to be suffering torture.

The hour of rest was about to end, Madelin with a tone of sadness tells Levi that he can leave.

Levi's spirits rose, he quickly leaves the room, without looking back.

Start looking for the other students, to know the next place of classes.

He doesn't remember hearing the place where the next class would be.

He went up to the third floor, then to the fourth and then to the fifth.

I look around the sales to see if they were outside.

What he didn't know, was that Madelin at the end of the class told the group to go to the registration building and noticing how Levi slept peacefully, he preferred not to tell him.

Levi toured the entire building, the older students wondering what he was doing. He even returned to the hall and what he found was only an empty hall.

He gave up looking for the group. A thought passed as I observed the empty place, "I can train alone if I stay. I won't be bothered and I won't have to slow down my training speed either," his thought was of a winner.

Close the door of the living room, put some tables to ensure the entrance. He immediately makes a space in the middle of the living room.

He took off his shirt from his uniform for comfort.

He surrounded his hands with dark magic. Throw dark balls at certain parts of the room.

Reflect on whether it's enough, throw a few more to add difficulty to what's coming.

These balls of darkness stuck on the ceiling and walls.

Levi begins to breathe, one of the balls on the wall shoots a small dark ball, he dodges it easily, then the others begin to shoot, he begins to dodge, while gathering the magic in his hands. A workout designed to be able to get used to when you want to dodge and accumulate magical power at the same time.

In essence it is similar to wanting to perform two spells at the same time, only it is easier to do and not only trains the magic control but also the body.

I continue to practice, completely forgetting about time.

Her movements became more precise and efficient over time, especially the amount of magic she could gather in her hands increased, however, the speed at which she gathers her did not. This is due to his current magical ability.

Night came, so far I don't stop practicing, I was in a trance.

The only thing that could get him out of the trance was a few sudden knocks on the door of the living room.

Coming out of the trance, he realized that he was locked up all day.

He removes the balls of darkness from the living room quickly, then picks up his shirt, seeing that nothing was missing, opens a window to leave. He knew the result he would have if a teacher found him in the classroom and also didn't want to answer his questions.

Jump out of the window.

He begins to compose his posture in the air, when he receives an attack from the right side.

The attack caused it to fly several meters.

He uses his wind magic to cushion his fall.

When he falls he gets up and starts running to the building where the rooms are located, however, the attacker does not give him time, he receives another blow from the opposite side. This time I find out what element it is. They were small fists of fire used as projectiles.

He places a shield of dark air around him, then infuses his legs with lightning, increasing his speed.

The attacker was a little surprised.

Levi was able to avoid the subsequent attacks, but to his surprise he falls to his knees. As if he had been poisoned, something that surprised him, "What's going on?, I'm immune to poison, then that," while being distracted by his thoughts. One foot hits his face, making him roll backwards.

Levi's nose broke with the blow, he wanted to get up, but his strength was going away quickly. He was still shocked by what appeared to be poison.

He raises his gaze fiercely. The blood in Levi's eyes did not allow him to distinguish the face of the guy. He is stunned to see that the attacker is a simple student, he recognized him by the type of uniform he is wearing. He assumed that the student is 3 or 4 years older. "How could I fall so low?" this and other questions went through his head, also questioning himself, about the reason why he was attacked by the student.

The student approaches.

He is wearing the white uniform, characteristic of the cyber-wizards of the academy.

The student stops in front of Levi, raises his foot slowly, then places it on Levi's head. A malevolent smile forms on his face, he steps on Levi's head. Burying his face in the earth.

He begins to step on it constantly, with more and more force.

Levi barely remained conscious. He begins to gather manna in his hands.

The student doesn't notice and continues to step on Levi's head brutally.

Levi did not gather much, because if he continued he would be dead.

I wait for his chance, he decided to use the lightning spear to finish it off in one fell swoop.

Levi noticed that the student was getting tired and the blows were slowing down. It's time Levi thought. - Lightning magic: lightning throws-.

The boy was shocked to hear Levi's voice, he backs up in time, narrowly managing to dodge Levi's attack. The boy breathes a sigh of relief.- Damn, you almost killed me. He says with a look of hatred.

Levi was furious. His anger was great, yet he kept thinking clearly. He begins to go through the magic in his body. He barely manages to get up with the support of magic. His eyes were of no use at this time, the blood covered them completely making him see everything in red, as well as his ears and his nose, which were full of blood.

The boy is surprised to see that he gets up, draws a sword from his space ring.

Levi uses his perception to locate the type.

The student slowly approaches with caution, he didn't want to be surprised by another attack.

Levi feels like the guy is coming. It doesn't extend its perception much, to make it more accurate. He begins to calm down, this time he will use his dark magic. In his state reciting the spells will be the cause of his death.

The boy being three meters away, waves his sword, pointing at Levi's neck.

Levi raises his head and opens his mouth, from which a fireball comes out, the boy uses his sword to cut the fireball. Levi takes advantage and moves his fingers. His success rate for assassination increased for every meter the enemy approached.

A smile forms on his face, showing his sharp teeth full of blood. He raises his right hand quickly. From his fingers comes a shadow, as if he were a whip.

All this happened in what the boy cut the fireball.

The shadow holds him from his left arm, extending to his shoulder.

The boy tries to break free. Levi does not give him time and from his other hand throws an equal shadow, which also extends to the shoulder.

He still kept that smile, which bristled the student's skin.

The student struggled, could no longer use his hands and if he wanted to escape he needed to use his hands to be able to use the psionic powers, the boy was helpless, however, Levi did not have much energy left, he did not want to prolong the encounter much longer.

With his face full of blood and a big smile, Levi tells him. - You're dead. Dark fire magic: flare-. The shadows that held the student, began to burn him.

The student was shocked, he hoped that the spell would form in front of him, but he did not expect that the shadows would be the ones that burned him.

The student's arms begin to burn, his uniform begins to burn. The flames begin to spread throughout his being. The boy was screaming in pain, asking for mercy. Levi ignored his words. I don't loosen the grip of the shadows.

You could see how the boy was on fire suffering. The boy's screams echoed through the academy field, but no one came to his aid.

Levi was shocked by the boy's endurance, if he continued to exhaust his remaining energies and the boy would be left alive. Taking advantage of the fact that the boy could not dodge, he creates another lightning spear, which pierced the boy's skull.

Levi stopped keeping the shadows and extinguished the flames.

The corpse falls to the ground.

Levi began pulling healing potions from his necklace.

By cleaning his eyes a little and regaining some vision, he decides to take a look at the corpse.

The whole body was burned, being unrecognizable. The most striking part of the corpse was the hole in his head.

Levi checks the corpse's belongings.

He keeps the ring and the things of value.

Find a photo on the guy's belongings.

Levi, even with little vision, recognized someone in the photo. "Wow, what a surprise. He was an acquaintance of the blonde girl from the camp. I will have to be alert at all times. The "Walkers" are dangerous or maybe this guy doesn't belong to them and it was just personal revenge. That doesn't matter at the moment. The academy does not guarantee my safety, that is clear to me. No master came to stop us." He leaves his thoughts for later.

Start walking to the residential building.

I was using potions constantly. The ones I used were those of the corpse.

I have to try a dozen of these to have the same effect as mine. This is bullshit. Damn useless bastard-. Although he complained, he still used them. It was better than spending yours.

When you arrive at the building, you notice a group in front of it. As if they were camping.

Levi didn't know the reason and didn't care, he walks to the door of the building.

The group that was nearby, is watching.

It was inevitable to attract attention.

Levi's uniform was stained with blood and with holes in the parts where he was hit with fire and, above all, his face still had blood. He at the moment thought that it was only necessary to clean the blood from the eyes the rest could wait.

I ignore the eyes of the group. I didn't feel like seeing them, I didn't even look at whether they were the same age or if they were students of magic.

Enter the building.

There were also a few students on the first floor.

Walk with difficulty. When he saw the stairs, a few tears began to fall from his eyes. Even when he used the potions to heal his wounds, he still felt pain in his head.

He went upstairs shedding tears, while holding his head.

When I reach the intended floor, I raise my hands as if crossing the finish line. A serious mistake for an injured person. His head started to hurt more.

He could only hold on and keep walking to his room.

When I look at the door of his room, he seems to get energy.

He opens the door slowly, extends his perception, to see if there was no one inside.

He checks it several times, being sure it enters.

He goes to the bathroom directly, takes off his uniform and begins to bathe.

Blood was running through the bathroom.

After taking a bath, he starts putting on his clothes.

Levi could no longer remain conscious, the bathroom relaxed him too much. - What a first day-. This was his last words of the day before he fell to the floor and fell asleep.

------- In the main building of the academy; meeting room ------

There are 7 people gathered.

Among the group is the deputy director.

The deputy director is 190 cm tall; with a fat body; a beautiful blond hair, which reached her waist; thin eyebrows, with small torn green eyes; their skin is white and soft; he has some big cheeks.

At the time she was wearing a dress that made her look thinner. Despite his weight, his face is beautiful.

At that moment on his face there was a fierce look.

There is also the current director. With a stern look currently on his face.

The director the opposite of the deputy director. He has an old face; a height of 174cm; is thin; has short, white hair; brown eyes.

The director observed the other five people, three of them are in charge of the classes (wizard, cyber-warrior and cyber-wizard), one of the other two is the chief pharmacist of the academy and finally there is the head of security. In their gazes you can notice the concern.

The director starts talking. - Roger. Remember the rules of the academy? -. The person in charge of the cyber-wizards nods. - Good. Explain to me Why should I stop the boy who killed one of the students in your class?-. Roger is silent, he couldn't say that they offered a good reward for the boy's head. The director seemed to see through Roger. - As long as he is a student of this academy you are not allowed to go through his head. You'll have to order it from another student or wait for them to graduate. The director was aware of the reward.

One of the rules of the academy says: The students of this academy will only be protected by the teachers when they have disputes with someone outside the academy, but if they are disputes between the students themselves, no teacher should stand in the way, even if the dispute leads to the death of the students.

The meeting didn't last long, they just reminded Roger of the rules and if he broke them he just had the option to run away and hope to be lucky so they wouldn't find him. Of course he would have to have an enormous luck, since the emperor himself in turn would hunt down the offender.

Roger could only return to his room in silence and the next day convince more students to attack Levi.

Unknowingly, Levi has a reward for his head and the place where he planned to train calmly, would be turned into a place where he would bathe in blood constantly.

End of chapter.