Chapter 7

"I don't think so Miss Ariana Brown," he replied with a devilish smile on his face.

She was surprised at how he got to know her full name. She couldn't remember when she had mentioned her name to him during their hot session last night. She was so drunk, she couldn't remember even if she tried.

She wanted to ask him, how he knew her name but she decided against it. Questions only brought more relations, and relations only brought heartbreak and pain. She might not know how he got her name but, she knew that she would never go to Vouge bar again.

"Don't say goodbyes yet. You and I, are not done, we still have a second meeting..." he whispered in the sexiest voice Aria had ever heard. It almost weakened her resolve but she fought through it.

This visit would prove to be her first and last time at the strange place. The man called her with so much audacity, what did he think of himself? That she would dare to come back to a place like this and meet with him again?

He must be joking!

Aria was still a bit worried that he knew her name but she quickly wiped the thoughts out of her head. Since he was only a sex worker at the bar, it would be impossible for him to find her, and having her full name or not wouldn't help him in any way.

"There will be no second meeting," she said and swept out of the room, not even giving the man a chance to speak.

She met two men standing guard at the door like they were protecting a very important person. She was shocked at their presence because she was not expecting to find anyone standing in front of the door she had just finished sinning in. Oh, God!

What if they heard her loud moans?

Aria bent her head low in shame and said not a single word as she quickly moved away from them to the elevators at the far end of the corridor. She was too embarrassed to look at them in the eye.

As soon as she got into the elevator, she heaved a sigh of relief. She couldn't believe she had just hooked up with a total stranger. Someone she knew nothing about. Someone she had never met before. This was a shame! A very big shame!

Suddenly her phone rang up. She picked it up from her bag and checked the name.

"Lisa?" She answered the call.

"Hello Aria, where have you been?" Lisa questioned through the phone.

"What do you mean?" Aria asked confused. She wasn't sure of what reason Lisa was asking about her whereabouts.

"The boss is asking of you! You're late!" Lisa yelled making Aria's heart skip a beat.

What was today? She asked herself as she tried to control her racing heartbeat.

"Yesterday was Sunday which means today is Monday!" Aria squealed, as the pieces fixed together in her head.

Her ghost almost left her body. How could she totally forget about today? She was in big trouble! This was a disaster!

"The boss demands your presence in her office immediately! What story should I bring up to cover your ass this time?" Lisa asked with concern.

"Don't worry. Just tell her I'll be there in ten minutes. Just ten minutes!" Aria ended the call and as soon the elevator stopped. She jumped out immediately running out the Vouge bar exit.

She stopped a cab and jumped in. "Take me to Brentwood industry," she said and the cab driver drove off.


Back in the room. The unknown man sat sexily on the bed with his immortal body looking too hot to handle. He picked up his phone and dialed a number.

"Hello there, I have a job for you." A wicked smirk curled up on his lips as the other person on the line gave him the answer he was expecting. Immediately he ended the call.

He called, "Ben!"

A young man in a Black suit ran in. He lowered his head not so he wouldn't be able to see the young president's nakedness.

"Yes, master you called?" The young man asked with his head still facing his shoes.

"Is everything ready?" The president asked getting off the bed and heading to the bathroom on the side of the room.

"Yes, sir! Everything is ready."

"Good, get everything ready. We're going to grandfather's house. I have news that I'll like to share with them. Make sure everyone is present," he said with a smirk.


The cab dropped her in front of the huge building which had a big sign mounted on a platform at the top with the words 'The Brentwood Industry', written on it. It was one of the ruling industries in the country. It could have been the best in the country, except one industry -which a lot of people didn't really know of.

Aria's heart raced to her backbone. The fear of facing Miss Alice Brentwood scared her the most. Since she was pointed to be the PA to that young tycoon boss of hers, her life had never remained the same.

She normally had a usual fear that she was becoming very familiar with whenever she approached her boss's staircase, but the one she felt today was on another level, it rattled get from the inside out.

How could her head miss it that today was Monday! She kept scolding herself as she ran up the stairs.

She quickly rushed into their office space, paying no attention to her other colleagues. One thing she was certain of was that the office was already on fire!

Miss Alice was going to skin her alive!

The closer she got to the department, the more the pounding in her heart intensified. Aria finally, stepped into the department quarter and Lisa approached her with a huge pile of files.

"Ariana, these are all the documents," she said passing the pile to Aria.

"How's the boss?" Aria asked as she tried to balance the files with her shaky hands.

"Extremely angry, I believe this whole building will soon collapse," Lisa whispered and Aria knew it meant she was completely dead!

"Aria!" A loud screech resonated in the building and Aria's blood ran dry.