Chapter 28

Aria dabbed a face towel to her tears before she continued to speak.

"I'm tired of everything, " She said before she look down at her hands.

"That's why you came to the bar on Sunday, " He said with his voice thicker than ever. Somehow, he also discovered he hated seeing her in tears.

But his voice had the wrong effect on her body. Without warning her core tightened and her nipples tingled. The memories of her own moans made her squeeze her eyes in embarrassment.

"In some way don't you feel like you also cheated on him, " he said before he clicked his tongue.

"Well what's done has already been done we cannot cry over spilled milk," Aria added before she heaved a sigh.

For the first time, Aria actually stared at what he was wearing.

His shoe looked like it would buy her house. The shining shoe was matched with the most expensive suit she had ever seen in real life.