Chapter 38

"But my house..." She whispered.

"Your house? Fine go inside and stop this fire!" He said letting go of her.

Ariana stood as she stared at the fire unmoving, Even if she did go inside and stopped it from spreading she would obviously die from the toxic smoke.

"Come this way," The fire fighter said as he directed her to the left side.

She weakly followed behind as she stared at her own house as it burnt from behind.

"Sir, this is the owner of the house, the person currently occupying that space in the house." He said.

"Miss Ariana I must presume," The Man asked.

"Yes" Ariana replied absently.

"We are terribly sorry for this incident," He apologized.

"I don't even understand how it caught fire, I never leave any home appliances on, even the lights are never switched on it always switched off so how would the house catch fire," Ariana said before she rubbed her fore head.

The two men looked at Ariana and nodded their heads.