Chapter 6: In All My Dreams He Comes

Gwen sat with Matt, streaming a game for her followers. She laughed and noticed a new subscriber flash across her screen, gaining her more profit from subscribing to her channel.

“Thank you for the sub, SilverWolf. Nice of you to join us and follow.” Gwen smiled and continued to play until she saw messages pop up from them in the live chat on the side.

“SilverWolf says, ‘Hi, how are you?’” Matt read the comments for Gwendolyn so she could focus on the game and not on the chat.

“Hey! I’m doing alright. I’m pretty tired tonight because I had trouble sleeping last night. This weird dream kept me up.” Gwen bit her tongue as she aimed at a monster on the screen and took it down in the game. “You?”

“SilverWolf wants to know what your dream was about,” Matt grabbed his cup of tea and sipped it.

Gwen blushed for a moment and thought about what she was going to tell them if anything. It had been about Logan, and it felt almost too intimate to share with the internet. She licked her lips and cleared her throat, deciding to tell a vague version of it.

“I was in this mansion from the Victorian era. I felt like someone was watching me as I explored the old house. The floorboards creaked beneath my feet with each step and a faint growling resonated in my ears. The growling became louder and louder and right when I turned around to see who it was... I woke up.” Gwen shrugged and shook it off. “But you didn’t tell me how you were doing tonight.”

“They say they’re doing good. They’re just sitting around at home.” Matt took another sip of his drink, watching the chat to make sure that there weren’t any bots in the chat and stream.

“That sounds nice. I love sitting at home with a nice book.” Gwen smiled and continued to play, focusing on both the conversation and the game.

“SilverWolf says, ‘me too’.” Matt’s tone came out almost bored with the conversation. He wasn’t one for small talk and Gwen knew that about him.

“Alright, I think we’ll pick this up tomorrow. I’m getting tired. Thank you all for watching my stream and for subscribing for more! We’re now going to go raid a personal favorite of mine, Jewels! Give them a follow and a hello!” Gwen waved goodbye before sending her viewers to the other streamer. She shot Jewels one message in the chat and heard them welcome the new viewers before leaving.

“I’ll be back.” Matt excused himself to use the bathroom when a direct message appeared at the top of Gwen’s screen from SilverWolf.

“Oh?” Gwen grabbed her mouse and clicked on the notification, entering the personal message page to read it.

SilverWolf: I love your streams.

SilverWolf: You seem really cool.

Gwen raised an eyebrow as she read it. The message seemed innocent enough, but something about it made a shiver run up her spine and made her heart feel like it was clenched in a vice. She thought about what she was going to say before just defaulting to a polite ‘thank you’.

SilverWolf: Do you stream every day?

Gwen licked her lips, reading the message and finding it to be a typical question. She tapped her fingers on the keys of her mechanical keyboard before answering them.

VampiressGwen: For the most part unless something comes up.

SilverWolf: Do you just stream games, or do you spend time doing other things on your channel?

Gwen rolled her eyes for a moment and typed a response.

VampiressGwen: Most the time I play games because I’ve been doing that since I was a kid.

VampiressGwen: I bonded with my dad over them and it’s something that means a lot to me.

VampiressGwen: I lost him when I was thirteen so-

She left it open-ended, not wishing to talk about it beyond that with a complete stranger.

SilverWolf: I understand.

SilverWolf: I lost my mother when I was a little kid.

SilverWolf: It’s one of those things that you can never let go of.

Tears began to gather at the edges of her eyes, burning her as she read what they had to say. She sniffed and wiped beneath her eyes before replying to them.

VampiressGwen: Yeah, I understand. It’s hard to wrap your head around.

VampiressGwen: I think one of the hardest parts is not being able to call them for advice when you need it, ya know?

She knew it was insane to share something so personal with a total stranger, but there was something comforting in knowing that someone was struggling with the same issue. She read the next message about how they agreed with her, and she felt valid in the way she thought for the first time in her life.

SilverWolf: If I may ask, what did your father pass from?

Gwen froze on that question, realizing that it was too much. She refused to tell them that. It was too personal at that point, and she couldn’t get herself to talk about it. She gathered her courage and replied to them with a simple answer.

VampiressGwen: I’d rather not talk about it.

Matt came back into the room with a bag of pretzels in one hand, peering over her shoulder and snacking on them, “Who’s that?”

“SilverWolf, the person that subscribed to the channel tonight.” Gwen peered up at her best friend and watched him sit down beside her.

He looked over the conversation, as Gwen stole pretzels from him. “Hey, get your own. When you bought these, you told me they were all mine and here you are stealing them,” Matt teased her.

“Exactly! I bought them. You owe me a food tax,” she teased him back and stole more, making him roll his eyes and laugh.

“What are you doing tonight?” Matt stared at the message that had just popped up and became concerned. “I don’t know how I feel about this person. There is something I don’t like about them.”

“It’s fine. People ask me these questions all the time. Plus, they lost their mom at a young age. They understand how that is and it’s hard to find someone who has gone through the same thing.” Gwen tried to reason with her best friend.

Matt shrugged and went back to poking through the bag of pretzels. “I just want you to be safe is all.”

“I am being safe. When have you ever known me not to be?” Gwen challenged him and heard him burst out in a short laugh.

“Plenty of times. Your red flag radar is always broken, girl,” Matt laughed and shook his head. “It would take all of my fingers to count the number of times that I have saved your a*s.”

Gwen smacked him on the arm, making him jump, “Don’t be rude.”

“You threw yourself into a den of vampires to find one guy! ONE!” Matt held up his index finger in front of her face to emphasize his words. “And now all you eat, dream, and breathe is Logan, the hot bartender vampire husband.”

“Look! You can’t blame me for liking that sexy man,” Gwen crossed her arms over her chest.

“Mmm... but I can. You still have only talked to him once, Gwen. ONCE. When are you going to admit that you can’t fall for a guy by meeting him once? Believe me, I’ve tried.” Matt widened his eyes for a moment as he gazed down into the pit of pretzels before fishing one out to toss it into his mouth.

“Not enough,” Gwen mumbled under her breath, and Matt smacked her arm.

“Now, who’s being rude,” Matt mocked his best friend.

“Sorry,” Gwen sighed and got up, staring at him. “Listen, I’m not obsessed with him. I can’t control my dreams.” She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.

“No, but your subconscious is telling you something,” Matt gestured towards her with a pretzel. “You should listen to it.”

Gwen chewed on her bottom lip for a moment. She could deny it all she wanted, but she couldn’t shake her thoughts about him from her head. Every moment was filled with his angular nose, chiseled jawline, messy dark hair, and honey-hued eyes. His massive height and sculpted muscles didn’t hurt either. The way his shirt had contoured to his muscles and made heat pool between her thighs and her breath catch. He was absolutely, gorgeous, and his scent. His spiced vanilla cologne was still permeating her life.

“Gwen?” Matt tried to grab her attention for the fifth time.

“Hm?” Gwen peered over at her best friend with lowered lashes and flushed cheeks.

“I’ve been calling you for ages. Do you want to watch a movie with me?” Matt searched her gaze.

“Yeah... yes! Yes, I want to watch a movie with you,” Gwen cleared her throat and followed him to the couch.

During the movie she began to doze off, suddenly hearing someone calling to her. ‘Gwendolyn’, the warm voice beckoned her. It was like a rich, dark, honey. The way her name glided from their lips as if it were a sweet melody, calling for her and reaching out for her hand. It was alluring and tantalizing like a dark chocolate, and she wanted to dive deep beneath the waves of it.

The voice carried over her skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake. It felt like soft hands on her sensitive skin, ghosting along it and lingering in the most intimate places. She longed to hear it saying her name in the throes of passion.

‘Gwendolyn...’ again the voice called and manifested into Logan, shirtless and sculpted like an intricate statue made in Greece. He was unreal with how perfect he appeared with his chiseled features and perfect gait.

He slowly walked towards her and ran his hand up her body to caress beneath her chin, gently raising her gaze up to his. His eyes smoldered into a deep red shade of rubies and her lips parted as he dipped down to partake in hers’. His soft lips brushed against her full ones, savoring her like a fine wine. She got lost in the way his lips hovered over hers’, gently touching them. She got lost in the way the tip of his tongue traced along her bottom lip to make her lips part before flicking her top one. A gasp left her lips as he raked his teeth along her plump bottom lip and let it go to kiss her once more with passion. Logan ran his hand up the back of her head to sink his fingers into her hair, before yanking it back to expose her neck. A moan left her lips as she heard a purring growl leave his mouth before his sharp fangs grazed her neck and-

“Gwendolyn?” Matt shook her awake and she gasped, jumping slightly before calming down. “Weird dream?”

“Y-yeah. You could say that. Sorry, I dozed off there.” Gwen cleared her throat and focused back on the movie, bringing her fingertips to her lips to nibble on them. She let her mind wander back to the attractive man slowly kissing her with enough reckless passion to ruin her.