Love in Paris

[Mandy's Diary Today]

Paris had always been the most beautiful city in my opinion. The Eiffel Tower, the Seine, the Louvre museum, especially if someone accompanied me walking down the quiet city streets at night to the pier, fingers intertwined, hands clasped and knuckles gently kissed. I would never get tired of all that. And won't let anyone take Justin away from me, even if it's a Britney Spears. No, it's impossible for Brintey Spears to date a man named 'Justin' again after being dumped by Timberlake.

"Didn't you tell me when you got to Paris you wanted to sleep through the night and the next night?" Justin quipped next to me, without taking his eyes straight ahead.

I glanced at him, slightly regretting what I said this morning at home before leaving and arriving here. My lips pursed sideways, a little annoyed that he kept bringing up my mistakes.

"If I knew the scenery was beautiful like this, I would never have said such a sentence," I whispered back. I never brag, but I admit that my voice is very sexy when I whisper hoarsely like that.

We arrived at the Seine. The view on the pier of the river Seine is nicer and more enchanting than any other. Justin said he wanted to rent an inn close to the Seine to bring me here as often as possible. I was willing to stay in the lobby just to see the beautiful view of the Seine river which is the lifeblood of Paris. For Sponge Bob's square pants' sake, this place is prettier at night.

Justin's fingers intertwined between mine, leading me toward the long bridge. Several couples who enjoyed their time together in this place walked around laughing, standing while taking pictures, and even kissing passionately beside the pier.

"Is this what it feels like to be a princess in my world?" I looked up at Justin beside me. "You know, right? I really can't believe anything is happening in my life. It felt like a long dream trapped me in it. And if this is a dream, I don't want to wake up. I don't want to lose you."

Aww… those are the most romantic words I've ever said in my entire existence. The angel on my shoulder whispered such sweet words. You could say, while at school and college, I often compose sweet sentences for magazine rubrics. And surprisingly I never gave such sweet words to Justin. Maybe because my ego is too high.

"If this is a dream, I also don't want to wake up from my sleep," he replied while tucking my favorite honey-sweet smile on his lips. We stopped at the ledge of the bridge to gaze at the beauty of the Seine at night in Paris. "I also want to make sure this isn't a dream."

"Let me slap you." My hand flew to slap him. Justin hastily held my hand, rolling his eyes in annoyance.

"I don't need your slap, Mandy," he snorted. "Close your eyes."

Nodding my head, I closed my eyes, feeling the peaceful night breeze around me, filling my lungs, blowing a few strands of my long hair to gently slap my cheeks. Not long after, I felt something warm, soft, and wet bit my lips, crushing them intensely leaving behind a mint and lilac scent. It only took a few seconds for his existence to disappear.

"Can you feel it?" Justin asked while I kept my eyelids closed.

I nodded my head. "Yep. I feel your kiss."

"But I don't. Let me do that again." He kissed my lips again, longer. After I opened my lips and returned his soft kiss, he finally removed his lips from mine and said, "I still can't feel it."

I chuckled softly as my eyes opened. "You did it on purpose?"

He shrugged his shoulders, showing an innocent face. "I don't know. Do you think so?"

"Once again you say if you can't feel it, I'd be happy to throw you into this river." I folded my arms in front of my chest, straightening my chin defiantly without breaking the small smile that formed at the corners of my lips.

"Okay, one more time." His hands cupped my cheeks with his fingers pressed there very gently. He tilted my head up, making my eyes catch on his clear, honey-colored irises that seemed to sparkle in the light around us. My eyes closed again. Our lips pressed together, moving gently touching each corner to the rhythm of my heartbeat. My hands wrapped tightly around his neck, preventing him from letting go of the kiss on my lips.

"Now I can feel it," he whispers with his lips moving against mine. He removed his lips from mine, bringing my eyes to meet with his dark eyes, staring at me intensely. "We're not dreaming, I'm sure."

I held his hands tightly with a smile covering my face. I pulled my body back, then twirled like a dance move and he hugged me from behind, wrapped his arms around mine, hugging me tightly to warm me.

"If this is just a dream, this would be the best dream in my life," I said. "I don't wanna lose you."

"My heart is, and always will be yours."

Both the angel and the devil on my shoulders supported each other, sobbing with emotion to hear the sweet words spoken by Justin. I looked up, looked at him for a few seconds, then he gave me a peck on the nose. My attention returned to straight-ahead, enjoying the view of the Seine at night with the cold night air against my skin, Justin's warm embrace, and the sincere love that I hope will continue forever.

I didn't wanna lose him.