Happy Birthday, Mandy!

Justin's Diary in Senior Grade


            I heard Candice's voice shouting Mandy's name over and over up ahead. Behind the crowd of Jordan High School students that gathered in front of the bulletin board. Next door, Ryan nudged me, pointing to a notice board along the corridor wall that was plastered with papers with pictures of Mandy and smutty writing. Automatically, I dashed through the crowd of other students asking for an explanation of who did such a thing to Mandy.

            "Who did this?" I retorted harshly, holding the others who made up the crowd accountable. Seeing my arrival, Candice ran up to me with a panicked face. I saw her body and hands shaking.

            "Mandy thinks it's me," she explained, her voice shaking with sobs. "She thinks we did this to prank her."