I Don't Want to Forget

Candice's Diary Today

      Violin show! I like it! Luckily Nik and I both enjoy playing the violin and piano. He took me out, a few days before returning to Long Beach. Uhm, maybe I missed a lot in my hometown. While I was in this exile place, Utah, I was far from any information. Nik told me to do a lot of activities and spend time refreshing.

      In the theater, I couldn't stop clapping and chuckling in admiration for the violinist's performance. Well, Nik knew her well—as a friend, he put it. Judging from the way he was enjoying Louisa's appearance—as he told me—it seemed that she was indeed a fan of this girl.

      "The emotions are so good and soulful," he said beside me.

      I nodded in agreement. "She's talented..."

      "We met about five years ago at a charity event. She plays the violin for entertainment. From then on we got to know each other and yes… I went to her shows a lot."