The Paper

Justin's Diary Today

      Home feels different. The atmosphere is completely different. I feel as if I'm not at my own home, but in a lonely graveyard. Every time I come home from work, all I find is a long silence. There is no welcome except for the respectful bowing of the servants in this house.

      No Mandy.

      I regret what I did and I told her. Actually, it's not out of my heart. I didn't mean to say such hurtful words. It's all a lie. And I did it on purpose to find a loophole, to make her angry, and yes… I did it. In no time, because I know what Mandy is like.

      All I do now every time I'm in this house is just looking at her journal. Reread and occasionally smile when imagining all that. Really bad. About four years we were together, in the end, our journey was over. She must really hate me.