For a Reason

Rigel left Leandra alone self, because of course coffee shop too no far from there. Only just walk until.

A number of minute passed Rigel back carrying 2 cups of warm coffee in his hand.

"Here, drink so that calm down."

"Thank you."

They inhale air night with sipping hot coffee as if warm connection House ladder them.

"You often go as this also same your ex?"

"My ex who?"

"Oh a lot yes? Wow."

"No, maybe there are only 2 or 3 people, all of them end with no way fine."


"No, don't I tell me okay, later you angry or how."

"Hahaha no, I want know too. Yes calculate this my approach."

Rigel smiled.

"Your approach should ask ex- yes."

"Yes, confused want to ask what, hurry up story."

"Three, I decided."

"Ugh, how come you that's it, weak very anyway."

"I not a person who wants decide connection with easy, i also no want to later problematic, but what can make."

"Gosh, still there is thinking man _ this is the problem why? Don't say you cheated on?"

Rigel nodded his head.

"Well, the same, why?" can you cheated on? Handsome this."

"Yes, I know I handsome, they like because money and face just no from heart. I already too fed up with like that, I let life they at will because I also already know they have an affair yes Live wait time they just break up."

Leandra a little gaping listen Rigel's story that he thinks Thing that enough sad.

"Only that your reason no want to decide, should you decide just don't wait decided."

"I no want to angry in front they are afraid if go too far emotion with my temperament difficult it arranged. I also no want to make sick people liver because my words."

Leandra was silent.

"Why shut up?"

"Nothing, I salute just same you, if I so you already who knows how them."

Rigel laughs and sipping hot coffee.

"So of course you no own connection with another girl huh?"

"Question in a year this who knows how many times did you ask, and answer that always the same."

"No there?"

"You want to I answer there is yes?"

"Maybe is Not! Precisely that's what I thought."

"Yes, God, Lea. This is what you think until sick head?"

Leandra just grin course.

"I that I'm scared, I'm just traumatized with the past. It feels like still sick so I want to make sure."

"Why you no investigate me?"

"Yes, throw away my time it. It seems like also you safe from presumption it."

"Obviously I no there is another girl, and no there is intention as it. We are together once wounded because of the third person."

Leandra looked at Rigel deeply.


Leandra shook his head.

"Indeed Bandung people are right collect."

"Hah? Meaning you what?" Leandra is curious with Rigel words.

his brain to there-to let understand the meaning.

"Want see her smile."

"What anyway."

"Indeed yes, no smile also look beautiful especially if smile."

"You don't for my face red, Rigel."

"No, look too."

They Kidding laughter moment that, Leandra also admitted if her husband that smart guard his will.

"Sorry yes if I still often whine or spoiled even chatty."

"Yes, I know that, I understand. Anyways now I understand what to say 1 year old friend then that, Renza."

"Hah? Renza say what same you? Anytime try?"

"Time wedding, he say you that independent woman but spoiled too."

"Oh my gosh Renza really yes."

"Now this I realize Thing that, I admit it you of course independent, but spoiled."

"Yes, indeed, but origin you know I spoiled also with certain people only."

"I know that, you show spoil you no to just anyone. I be grateful you show spoiled to me no another man."

Leandra now the more convinced just to Rigel, he always just almost melted as Rigel said.

Leandra's head is back stand up upright looking at Rigel, now already be on the shoulder her husband that.

"Aaa thank you my husband."


"Hey you yes, people already created atmosphere romance rather so."

Rigel laughs hear it.

"I that sometimes amazed the hell same you."

"I why?"

"Wonder you no once what are you doing I …"

"Wait a minute, what are you doing you how here what do you mean?"

"No, it means that angry same I, force right you, force To do profession possible house that my duty."

"Create what forcing something, anyway no will good everything."

"Uh never the hell I scolded, once like."


"No, angry the hell but because I silenced keep fit me go home same Sis Seno."

"Ya, you asked myself, problem same man that also because you are acting alone."

"Yes, excuse me anyways older brother level handsome."

"You aware no the hell praise other people handsome in front husband you?"

Leandra laughs and see Rigel's little face annoyed.

"Calm down, you still the most handsome why. If no handsome no will possible one campus like same you."

"What is important I no so same them."

"Oh yes, you no once feel how like that if obsessive students same you?"

"No, so I pay attention, I more ignorant only."

"Hmm, yes I see that straight away, but yesterday you smile sweet really."

"See, right? direction his eyes to where?"

"What about me?"

"Yes, clear why, dan you also smile. Question yesterday that it turns out you many understand the material."

"I swear, yes I annoyed same carrier the event. On purpose very like."

"But you smart expose it."

"I'm right smart," said Leandra who praised herself with a little proud however he amused hear it.

"Yes, very fitting for so The door mother for my son later."

Leandra smiles and confused no clear face crisis that.

at home sick

"No, thought already want to two week we are here yes."

Leandra replied with mumble.

"Sad don't you?"


"Yes, sorry man one this why yes, time no there is sadly."

"Sad why give it a try never mind."

"Hmm, different same me."

"Why? You sad because no will see boys handsome right? "

Alcie only grin only, he so know habit his best friend.

"Yeah, where? again can meet try."