Take the initiative

Smith Vila. 

"How was your date," Whitney asked as soon as Annabel stepped into the house.

"it was okay; Eric was very nice," Annabel answered.

"Great, does that mean you will be going on another date soon?" Whitney smiled.

"I don't know," Annabel answered awkwardly. Eric was polite; sometimes, it felt like he was interested in her; other times, he drew the line, which confused her.

"what do you mean?" Whitney frowns her brows.

"He did not say, I have a feeling he likes me, but he is not saying anything," Annabel answered her mother. She could only comfort herself that Eric wanted to take things slow.

"you don't have to wait for him; take the initiative sometimes," Whitney said.

"Mum," Annabel was surprised that her mother would make such a suggestion.

"What? His parents already agreed to the relationship between the two of you. You better take the initiative, or you would lose out," Whitney advised.