Stepping stone

Eric could see that she was reluctant to meet him, but he ignored it. "this is miss Smith, my friend," Eric introduced Annabel, who felt a sense of crisis once she saw Emily move closer to Eric. Maybe it was a woman's sixth sense she could tell that Eric treated Emily differently.

Even if she and Eric had just met, she knew many things about him, so she knew he had no female friends. Although he kept a woman once in a while, he would not treat them with such much respect as he treats Emily. 

Usually, the women were the ones who tried to call for his attention, but she noticed that Eric wanted the woman to notice him. It made her uncomfortable, even if she was unsure of the reason. 

Emily was beautiful, and given that the president's office also selected Steam for the technology project, she had done her investigation. She knew that it was a rumour that Emily was dating Mr Sky, but it was not impossible, given her outstanding personality.