
Martin's resident

  Martin was in his study at home doing some work when he got a call from his friend, Henry. He trusted Henry so much that he never associated him to the promble of his company.

"Hello," Martin paused the work he was doing and answered the call.

"I was hanging out with a few friends later in the evening and I wanted to invite you," Henry went straight to the point.

Martin took a deep breath, he was not a man that loved going out so much, he had a cold personality and Henry was his only friend. He would rather work than hang out. But since he became friends with Henry from his youth, the later alway pulled him to go out. 

"sorry, I am really busy today," Martin rejected. Although his work was not urgent and he could finish it the next day, he refused. After all he knew that he might end up drinking if he went out with Henry and then he would surely have a fight with his wife when he returns.