Fooling around

Eric also reviewed the proposal and got ready to rest; as for the matter in Kay, he had to give it up for the time being. He noticed that the amount of money spent did not bring any return to ABM, but it fanned the fame of Steam.

*ring *ring

Eric looked at his phone; the call was from Jin. "You got an update?" Eric asked.

"Yes, we got our hand on the complete proposal of Steam," Jin replied. Eric was surprised. "Are you sure?" Eric did not believe it; he knew that Emily was a careful person. Moreso, the team, this time, was small for a project of such magnitude.

"yes," Jin replied; one could tell he was satisfied with this result.

"Kevin gave in?" Eric asked. There were just three people who were in charge of the proposal. Kevin had rejected the idea, they did not even know the second person's identity, and it was impossible for Emily, the third person, to betray herself.