
The news of Eric Brown hosting a housewarming party soon spread to all the houses in Paradise estate.

Since Eric had taken out his time to special invite Emily, he did not want his cover to be blown, so he sent invitations to the other twenty houses and a few friends.

"Honey, you must be mistaken; why would Eric Brown buy a house in the gold section of Paradise?" A man who received the call from his wife asking him to return early said. He felt that even if Eric Brown decided to buy a house, he would not invite people with no name in the society to his party. Although he had money, it could not be mentioned in the same sentence as Eric.

The woman looked at the invitation in her hand, "well, I don't know, but that is what the invitation said," the woman was a bit embarrassed. Although she only ran a small shopping mall, she knew of Eric Brown, so once she saw the name, she concluded that it had to be Eric Brown of ABM.