Her mistake

When Emily arrived at her house in paradise estate, Jude was not outside, as usual, waiting for her. Emily sighed; she knew that he would have been worried sick for her.

  She noticed Eric's car behind and decided to quicken her pace. Eric looked at her and sighed, he wanted to go over and apologise for his words, but he hesitated; after all, there was still a chance that she was pretending to be naive. During his moments of hesitation, Emily went in.

"Return to the office," Eric closed his eyes. The driver did not dare look back; this was the first time he had witnessed Eric acting uncertain. Usually, he would always make decisive decisions.

"yes, sir," he was not foolish enough to try to stick his nose in his boss's business, so he turned around and returned.

"Where is uncle Rob?" Emily asked the maid that came to open the door.