Golden opportunity

The head of the council looked at the other members. "See, even the victim has pleased for ABM, we can just make ABM pay for damages," the first member who was from ABM fraction spoke.

"You do know how to pick up words and throw the rest away. Miss White clearly wants justice, she just did not forget to Mr Brown's good deed. If you ask me, since we consider a expelling ABM for one year, we can make it three months," the second member from the Williams fraction argued.

" Three months, Eric also help to solve the problem, so maybe a suspension instead of expel, " the first member argued.

He deliberately went so low to get this at the ended of the day, but he underestimated the man from the  Williams fraction. 

" You sounded like he regretted what he did, he helped Steam by accident although this can still be called help they do not carry the sane value, " the second member argued.