competition among them.

On Sunday, Emily went over to Wilfred's new house. Since she promised she had to go. To her surprise, his new house was less that ten minutes drive away from Paradise estate.

"Welcome," Wilfred waited outside to welcome her. Emily smiled. The two walking in one after another. Emily was surprised that there was no one else there apart from her.

"I thought you would take the chance to invite a few colleagues over," Emily commented as she made herself comfortable on the chair.

"I am not close to anyone yet," Wilfred lied with a straight face. There was no way he was going to invite others when he got a golden opportunity to spread an alone time with her.

"You, if I remember correctly you used to make bunch of friends back in college. When did you become a loner," Emily did not believe him. Even if he had no close friends, he should not have a problem inviting a few colleagues with good relationships.