Easily exposed

The few days went by quickly, soon it was time for the private party. Emily knew the important of first impressions, so she took half a day off work to visit the Spa. It was essential to look good and relaxed

Jude also got a well know stylists to help with her dress and make up. For a party like this, it was important to dress up well. One should also not be too much and outside the host.

Steam was just a company that was beginning to gain recogniseion. If she dressed to much, she would look like a toad pretending to be a beautiful duck. If she dress too poorly, she would be out of place.

So he could not allow her act careless so he settled it by a  inviting a stylist over to pick her clothes and help her get ready.

The next day the stylist come over early with a few set of clothes that were suitable. Emily took it seriously.