New assistant

Eric did not know if his ears were playing tricks on him as he heard Emily telling him good night. 

He was not drunk, but he was no longer in the mood to work. He went to his room to sleep. 

The next morning was on a Monday after being away for a few days; many things needed his attention. So he went early to work.  He had just been working for an hour when there was a knock on his door. "come in," Eric said and looked at the door. 

Grey worked in followed by Lilly. When Eric saw this he felt a headache coming. He thought his attitude yesterday would send a clear message to the Hunt family. He seemed to have underestimated his mother's damage control ability. 

"Sir, the chairman sent her over to be your assistant," Greg reported the situation. He did not know if he was about to be transferred out of lose his job. 

"You are my assistant, if there is anything you need help with, Miss Hunt would be happy to help," Eric smiled.