
Eric came to pick Emily from work at 7pm like they had agreed in the morning. Since his father kicked him out of the company he had been taking and bring Emily back from work. Eric could tell that his relationship with Emily was finally going the right direction as she did not seem to want to stay away from him as much as possible like she did in the past.

Eric waited for more than fifteen minutes but Emily did not come out. He wondered if she was having a last minute appointment so he decided to send her a message. But five minutes passed and there was no response.

Eric panic and thought of different possibilities. He brought out his phone and checked if there has been any major accidents but failed to find any.

When it was 7:30pm Eric could no longer wait in the car. He went into the company there was still a receptionist on duty.

"Is Miss White still in?" Eric asked. The lady looked at Eric and recognized him .