New Girl

It's interesting, isn't it Reader? We don't have time right now though to stop and think too long about it, because the story is unfolding now. The story is now. Just have a look...

Mrs Green now turns back to Iona, "Now where we're we? Ah, yes here's your time table. The bell's about to ring for period three. You can make you way to that class. It's a day four today. We work on a five day rotation with every day of the week corresponding with the day on the table." She gives her a map of the school layout and the number for her locker.

"Thank you ma'am," she look up from her time table, smiling. 'I'm going to make the best of this no matter what.'

"Well that's all I can do for you now, I'm sure you'll be alright, and the other girls should all be here by the end of next week. Please don't hesitate to stop by if you need anything, my door is open." And with a genuine smile this time she says goodbye.

"Bye ma'am, enjoy the rest of your day."

After starting for about ten minutes at the map she was given, walking around in circles for another five, and just trying to figure out where she is so that she can work out where she's going, it's already period three... and she's on the wrong side of the school.

"Hey, New Girl"

She turns around to find the source of the voice. Yip, you guessed it. It's none other than skater boy Jack, himself.

"Sorry I didn't catch your name just now." He flashes her a look that would make old ladies believe that butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. It would fool them alright, but not Iona. Oh no, not her. After all he did hit her with his skateboard this morning, and she's still hung up on that.

So she doesn't say anything, and keeps walking off in what she hopes is the direction of her next class. "Okay then, not a big talker. That's okay, but I'm going to have to call you something."

"No, you don't."She deflects.

"Oh, but I think I really do."


"Because you," He points at her and then at himself, "and I are going to be spending a lot of time together."

'I really doubt that,' she thinks to herself choosing to try ignore him.

"Don't be so sure," he whispers. Then louder he carries on. "I know, I'll call you New Girl."

"My name it's New Girl." In the fraction of the second now she decides to try have some fun with this. "It's Padmé Amidala."

"Well then I'm sorry I didn't tell you my real name."

'Hold on what is he going to say now. He can't know what I'm talking about. He's got preppy, I'm-better-than-you jock, asshole written all over him. He can't know that it's a Star Wars reference...can he?'

Well shame on her really. Making a reference to one of the largest pop-culture movie franchises and not expecting him to have at least some idea about who the characters are.Then again she was trying to be witty on her feet, and that's a skill that no everyone can master.

"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Anakin Skywalker," he bows calling her bluff . This wasn't at all what she was expecting. Then again maybe part of it is. Just maybe she was hoping that he wouldn't just blindly believe that her name was Padmé. After all he isn't bad looking, and he does have a certain charm to him that doesn't hurt. But this alone isn't enough to satisfy her.

"So how is the ISS Enterprise?" She tries to trip him up.

This backfires, "Sorry princess but I think you got your stories mixed up. I said that my name was Anakin not James T. Kirk."

This shuts her up. Tisk. Tisk. She really should have quite while she was ahead. Except she wasn't really ahead here. Oh well. Can't change that now. She's left without any quick rebuttal, and takes a step closer towards her looking smug.

The bells rings before he can say or do anything else. Students begin to flood the corridor. Pouring out of classrooms on both side. Rushing to their next classes.

In a fluid movement Jack moves Iona out of the way, saving her from being trampled. His arm still around her he starts walking them forward. "Well shouldn't we get you to class, let's have a look at your times table."

Before she can stop him, he takes her timetable out of her hands and scans it.

"Oh, Cool we have Math next. Looks like we're in the same class, we'd better get moving if you want to get there on time." He's looks up at her and it takes a moment for her brain to register that he's walking her to class. "Come on we need to hurry if we're going to get there before Mr. Miller starts teaching. He's a bit of a pain when it comes to being on time. He has a love for handing out detention slips."

"That's okay thanks." She moves her body away from his, not sure how to feel about having him walk her to class. "I'm sure I can find it myself. Besides it's my first day, I doubt he'll give detention for being a little bit lost. I'm willing to stake my perfect record on it. I guess I'll see you in Math."

"Hold on! You're tell me you've never been to detention? Ever?" He falls in step close behind her, sounding surprised. Then again he isn't the type of guy to run in circles where it's that uncommon to be in detention at least once every two weeks. He's actually not the preppy jock type guy she seems to think he is either. It's not his fault that he's mixed in with the troublemakers of the school. Not exactly. He's just one of those unlucky guys who always finds himself in the middle of one mess, or some other fight.

She quickly looks over her shoulder. "Yip, I've made it eleven years and I've never been to detention."

"Well that's something we're going to need to change," he gives her another smile. This is not what she wanted to hear. Knowing that she has Math with him, she's worried that this might be a very very bad thing.

"Um...I'd rather not," Distracted by thoughts about how he might get her into trouble she walks right past her classroom. The corridor now looking all too empty again.

"Hey, Princess." He says stopping at the door.

"What?" She turns to see him standing still.

"Math is here," He walks in with the comfortable knowledge that she'll have to follow him.

"Jack. Late again I see." An annoyed voice spills out of the classroom, causing Iona to hesitate for a second before walking in as well.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I was helping a fellow student find her way."

"Don't make excuesse..." He stops seeing Iona standing slightly behind Jack, "I see. Seems I was wrong. Just don't be late again."

"Of course not, Mr. Miller." Jack struts to his desk, and drops his back next to it, before making himself comfortable.

Iona tries to ignore all the eyes on her. "I'm sorry we're late Sir. I got a little lost on the way here."

She hands him her transfer letter. "Like I said, just don't let it happen again. We're already behind on today's lesson, and I don't have time for introductions. You can socialize on your own time. Go on then."

He hands her back her transfer letter after copying something off it, "There's a seat open over there. That's where you'll be sitting for the rest of the year. That goes for all of you as well. There will be no seat hopping in this class."

She makes her way to the only open desk in the classroom. And that's right. You guessed it, it's the desk right behind Jacks. At this point you're probably thinking that it's fate or something like that. That these two people are meant to be together. Meant to be around each other for better, or for worse. And you know what? It's far to early to be able to know anything like that. I'm not saying that it's not fate...but I'm not saying that it is. Just be patient will you. Stories take time. All of these things take time, so just hold your horses.

"Now if that's everything can we please start this lesson. Turn to page 24 in your textbooks. Today we're going to learn about expanded algebraic equations." His voice fades into the background as Iona lets her thoughts run away from her for a moment.

Taking a second to let everything that's happened sink in, 'Maybe he's not completely terrible, but I don't think it's be a good idea to stick around him. Teachers don't seem to like him, and i need to stay clear of trouble here.'

Just then a folded piece of paper drops down onto her open workbook dragging her back to the present. Unfolding it she reads; "Thanks for having my back there. Detention twice in one day is a bit much. Even for me."

'Maybe he isn't all bad.'

The rest of the lesson she tries hard to stay focused on the work, and getting as much of the homework done before the lesson ends. The bells rings again, cutting Mr. Miller off. The class erupts in a buzz of boys throwing their books and things into their bags. Some stressed about rushing to their next class, or worrying about getting in touch with others for the years projects. Others however are more interested in trying to be the first to help the New Girl. Iona doesn't notice any of this as she packs up her things. Having her thoughts together again she's turned her laser focus back to her school work.

Jack however is very aware of the latter group. He stands up and swipes her timetable, "Come on, Princess. We have to get you to science next."

"That's not my name." She says standing up and walking towards the door, but not before taking her timetable back.

"Well until you tell me your name I'm just going to keep calling you Princess." He walks closely behind her, hoping it's enough to signal to the other guys to stay away.

She rolls her eyes. As she's checking her map, he takes his chance and picks her books that don't fit into her bag, up out of her arms. Carrying them he knows that she can't walk off without him. He's shooting his shot here. She hasn't told him to leave her alone, and he's taking that as a sign that she's okay with him.

"Science is this way, Princess."

They walk off. Iona having no choice but accept his help, and follow him. Not that she's really complaining.