Friday Night

It's Friday and Iona really wants to go night surfing. Now if you remember she made a promise to that voice in her head that we know is Jack but she doesn't know for sure is Jack. That however was before her mom gave her the all the clear to go night surfing with her friends and stay out at the bonfire. So even though she knows she's allowed to go a part of her isn't sure if she should. She told him she wouldn't and now she's here lying on her bed imagining the first thing she wants to do when she gets there tonight. 'I can't wait to see Nicole and Liz. I haven't seen them in forever.'

She looks at the clock and it's still about another 47 minutes until Nicole and Liz said they would come to get her. So she rolls over and opens her laptop, 'Well this history essay on Napoleon isn't going to write itself and I'd rather spend my time tomorrow reading.'

Hearing a knock on her door she looks up. She turns to see her mom walking in and sitting on the bed next to her.