Too Late

"I'm too late." Jack can hardly get the words out, but if he doesn't say them he'll be stuck trying to deny them.

He sits down on the grass outside his house. He's almost too tired too move before he goes inside. David is already in bed and his mom's fallen asleep on the couch. He wakes her up and gently tells her to go to bed. He then sits up at the kitchen table.

'Maybe it's not to late, maybe it goes horribly, maybe she'll realize she loves me instead.' He tries to convince himself as he sits up and waits for her to come back.

Meanwhile in the back of a large black car, Iona's stomach is filled with butterflies and moths. Excitment but maybe also dread...or guilt...or something else that she can't pin down. She looks over at Jesse and his easy smile relaxes her. Maybe the uneasy feeling is just nerves about the fundraiser.

"You doing okay?" He reaches over and puts his hand on her leg.