She stared at him quietly for a moment before she let out a sigh and nodded.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to keep Blair safe and tell her to see you as soon as she can," Lucien promised to console her.

They both went out of each other's way, and Lucien headed straight back to the witch's cottage. He arrived with Blair in a worse state than the last time he saw her.

"Hurry up, and hand me that," Maev met Lucien by the door with her hands wide open getting ready for some action with her spells.

Maev suddenly stopped the moment she took an eye with the necklace. "Oh, it's a silver necklace, and it's…." Maev cut her words and looked over Lucien, her brow creased with wonders. "Are you familiar with this necklace?" she asked Lucien.

Lucien shook her head and squinted his eyes, confused with her question. "Why, what about the necklace?" he asked.

But then Maev walked away and simply said, "Nah, forget it, I have to go and start the healing spell for Blair."