
Harry watched as the sun began to rise, he needed a place to sleep, and the best place to do so? Most likely a library, he just needed a place where he could hide.

As long as it was comfortable he could find a place.

He headed to the local library, the one that Harry had visited a few times for homework studies.

When he entered it had just opened, he focused on his breathing and his movements as he made his way to the kid section, grabbing some of the pillows he made his way to the normal section, sliding into one of the private reading booths students used for studying.

Sliding under the table he took the backpack off and slid it to the side deeper under the table into the corner, putting a few of the pillows in such a way it would give him the optimal position to lay down to keep his back straight and allow energy to freely travel through his body he began to relax, his eyes only opening as he looked a the underside of the table.

He pulled out a pocket knife he had taken from the uncle. Scratching into the wood slowly.

He could feel the energy draining from him, the amount it took too much for him so he would stop, letting the energy accumulate again before he would continue carving.

It took him two hours, and he was lucky no one came to look at what was going on or sat down at the table he was under.

Once he finished a soft wave of energy left the rune he had carved, it was slightly complicated, but it basically made an area 'Hard to notice.'

It simply made it so all the humans running around would not be able to find him, and they would simply turn to do something else, the library could deal with not having one of its booths for the day.

Once he finally finished he closed the pocket knife and let his head fall back, immediately passing out.


A few hours had passed, and someone was arriving to do some college work, only to stop as they looked at the study booths, a look of confusion on their face. ''Wasn't there... six booths?''

The woman headed over to one of the librarian's asking about the sixth booth.

The librarian looked at them confused. ''Sixth booth? It's always been five, are you alright? Not feeling under the weather?''

The woman shook her head. ''No... No, I'm fine.''

She returned to the booth, after looking around a bit she retrieved what looked to be a stick, carved and with a darker wood, muttering something beneath her breath as she waved it over the area, once she got nothing back her face twisted deeper into confusion.

''Maybe there were only five booths... Maybe I do need to get some sleep.''


Harry woke up slowly, a sudden pulse of energy radiating off him moments after he woke up.

Focusing his mind he brought himself to the stars once more, there was a bright and shining star, along with another star that had appeared with no light, he began to focus on the stars radiating light, that energy onto the unlit star with ease, it slowly accepting the energy.

As Harry returned to the real world he took a deep breath, flinching a bit due to the pain he felt while breathing too deeply. Sitting up he opened the backpack and began to eat once more, slowly just as before while keeping his breathing leveled.

After he finished eating he got up, looking out he noticed how it looked like the library was closed, he began to explore, reading through the many aisles as he tried to find what he was looking for, having found it once he came across a section dedicated to maps.

Taking the large atlas that was up-to-date he put it under his arm and continued to travel, looking for a few history books, along with a few books dedicated to the study of plants and other things.

Once he got them he returned to his little makeshift cave.

Now that he had a starlit, he had a lot more energy at his call since now he could pull in ambient energy around him.

He carved another much smaller rune under the table, once it was finished it started to release a soft light.

It was under this light he pushed up his glasses and began to read the atlas, studying the books. He planned to stay here for as long as he could, only leaving his cave when he needed to wash himself and his clothing, or when he wanted different books to study, thanks to the boys already bright mind, and the fact he had a great memory to begin with it wasn't hard studying these books, dedicated hours at a time to reading.

After awhile Harry's food stock was dwindling slowly, releasing a low sigh he came from beneath his makeshift base, taking nothing but his backpack and some money he opened the window that was within the study booth, still, within the small area, the rune effected so no one would notice it.

Able to climb out easily and lower himself down onto the grass he headed for the nearest general store.

He used a shopping cart to get everything he wanted, along with things to make a sandwich as he had been craving one, along with a few other items such as a notebook, and pencils, not getting a pencil sharper as the library had them.

Once he got everything he needed or wanted, he came back to the front, putting everything onto the counter to let the older lady start checking things out.

''All by yourself today young man?'' She asked, making conversation with her young customer.

Harry grinned up at her. ''Mom finally trusted me enough to head out by myself! She sent me here with a list of things to grab!''

The lady smiled at that, noticing how the boy didn't grab any sweets for himself.

Sliding a chocolate bar and a bag of m&m's into his backpack as well, since she was the Manager no one could yell at her for giving out free candy, once she had everything she handed his backpack to him.

''Well, good luck on your errand!''

Harry smiled up to her, using child innocence for every ounce it was worth as he began to head back to the library.

Once he got back he opened the back, pulling the candy bar and bag of m&m's out of his bag he stared at them, it feeling like his heart yearned for them, as whereas he had no idea what it was, his body remembered.

It was sweet, Harry had only gotten very, very few before, but each time he did he would try to make them last as long as they could, hoping they could last forever as they were a small piece of goodness in his dark world.

Harry clicked his tongue a bit. ''Alright kid... I'll do this solid for you, I'll try and taste all the food I can, and when I can. I'll make sure you eat a single sweet at least once a day.''