Not so smart

Waking up with a headache and kids dancing around him wasn't the best time to wake up, as his head throbbed he pulled his nightstand drawer open, pulling out a pepper-up potion he took it in one smooth drink before returning the vile to his drawer, with a momentary pull it disappeared.

Seemed the storage ring worked fine, and it came out quite large despite the materials and energy he had to make it with, that was good. Less things to carry, and the ability to carry emergency supplies with him. It was also undetected to all forms of magical propping, not that they would be able to with the amount of protection his house rings provided.

With his head clearing up quickly he was able to relax, expanding his senses he soon realized why everyone was so happy, it was a weekend, yes. But it fell on the holiday of October, Hollowe'en.

He mentally gathered himself for his most likely busy day before he looked up as he felt the school call to him. Seemed someone had tried to get his attention, and only few people knew of how deeply he was connected to the castle, so it was either Dumbledore, or Minerva, and by the location it was Minerva.

''Move you absolute cretins, or you will be eating slugs.'' Harry growled as he pushed the head of his room mate to the side who was singing directly into his ear.

He might be in 'Ravenclaw' the studious group, but they were still kids.

''Oh come on Harry! It's the Holiday, lighten up just a little man!''

''Did you finish your homework, or will I have you begging at my feet by midnight again?'' Harry commented as he stood, moving his wand around as he began to get dressed, magic making the chore much easier.

''Ah... damn you're right, it's better to get it done now so I can enjoy the festivities all the way to the end.'' The kid sighed as he trudged off over to his desk.

Moving into the student dormitory was the worst idea he's most likely had to date, but he needed to get used to it either way.

Now that he was clothed and clean he headed to the window, opening it he got a few complaints about the cold air but ignored it as he grabbed the rope just outside the window.

Closing the window behind him he put the full of his weight onto it before he pointed down, far, far down the tower, resting on a ledge was a large gargoyle that seemed excited as Harry casted the reversal jinx of Arresto Momentum, returning the gargoyle to being able to be moved as he began to decent quickly.

The gargoyle the whole way by was screaming ''WEEEEE!''

Harry snickered as he fell past, he had repaired that gargoyle, and in return for having it be the weight to his pulley system, it got to see the outside again.

Turns out, it got a fun ride each time.

One Harry landed on the roof ledge, a rune above activated to stick the gargoyle in place until Harry released it.

Walking along the roof he would occasionally grab his robe mentally, using his new mental abilities to pull himself forward and over things, or even to make longer jumps.

Actually... Why was he walking? His body was already trained to the limit it could go currently, time to work the mind.

So he began to... carry himself across the roof, before he dropped down a floor and into a window where landed on the seal.

Knocking on the glass there was the sounds of shuffling before the window opened, showing Minerva and her classroom, where she handed him a letter.

''From the Headmaster, official permission to allow you to use the hidden undercroft as a gym, it will take some cleaning and some new lights, but it offers a quiet place to work out, that isn't easily found.''

Harry took the letter, opening it he read through it, despite a lot of useless flair that was added, it was mostly Dumbledore talking about how he two once liked to work out, now he found it harder and harder to move.

A subtle hint for Harry to assign another regimen just like he had to Minerva, folding the letter he put it away.

''Good, cleaning is good for the soul and the body. Anything else?''

Minerva handed him a parcel. Looked to be papers of somesort, looking at them he noticed they were test results.

''Take these to your little study group when you can, I am proud of all of you for the scores you all hit, if I didn't know better I'd think you were all cheating.'' Minerva said with a chuckle.

Harry found his, seeing he aced it. ''How do you know we didn't? I'm close to you, and if anyone could get through the castle and steel answer sheets, it would be me.''

Minerva laughed out loud at that, patting his arm. ''You're quite funny when you want to be, hm Harry? You are not the type to cheat on something that can be easily done, you only cheat when it means getting around rules that prevent you from doing something, or going somewhere... Like the restricted section?''

She probed, there was evidence of someone having been in the restricted section, specifically books related to dark magic.

''What?'' Harry looked up, he knew why she was asking, since he would never lie, and he wasn't exactly to 'hidden' about his whereabouts as long as someone asked.

''No, haven't been to the restricted section recently, only time I did go was returning that book of runes I got from there.''

Minerva raised a finger to her lips in thought, if it wasn't Harry, who was it?

There were, levels to the restricted section, ones that where within the library, the books were 'dangerous' but only to a certain extent if anything it was the schools way of 'letting' students read the 'dangerous' parts of magic, as long as they exercised caution, it was a good way to get around the minitry's many bans.

But the second and third level were accessible by a select few, the second being only certain students who show promise and are allowed under strict authority to get books for their study, and the third. Which is restricted to only three teachers, Dumbledore, Minerva, and Pince, the librarian.

They found stuff messed up in the third section, and whereas Minerva would prefer to have Harry stay out of it, no matter how smart or careful he was, there were very dangerous artifacts kept there. But, she understood she had no way to 'stop' him.

His abilities and his friendship with the school made him impossible to lock down.

''Harry, have you allowed anyone into the third sec-''

''Nope, even I don't fool around down there, I'm not stupid. Let alone allowing a student or other teacher down there? Pince is only allowed down there because the school regonizes her as the librarian, and prevents the worse of the worst from happening.''

Minerva nodded, a bit more worried. Someone was snooping around, and due to the nature of the third section, there were no devices to record activity.

''I hate to ask this of you sweety... But could you...?'' She looked to Harry who had taken a seat onto the seal of the window since it was turning into longer of a conversation then he thought.

''Snoop and see who it was? Sure, but I have a feeling I already know who it was.''

Harry decided now would be the best time to mention it, the events of today would give them time to act, and to get it settled.

''Who?'' Minerva asked, her brows raised.

''Quirrel, or. What's left of him.''

''Wh-...What? What do you mean 'What is left of him' ?''

''He's being possessed by a malicious spirit of some sort... Not quite a ghost, it's dark stuff, really dark stuff. It's why the ghost avoid him, their scared. I assume what ever is left isn't all him, and he's decaying slowly.''

Minerva's eyes widen a bit, the overpowering scent of Garlic, it was originally thought it was due to his new fear of Vampries from returning from his trip, but if it was to hide the smell of his decaying...

''This also explains the Unicorn deaths...'' Minerva stated passively, only to regret it as the castle seemed to groan around them, quickly looking to see Harry's face twisting between multiple emotions.

The biggest being rage.

He had been stupid, he assumed that if he left it alone it would be fine, the castle was still extremely weak, so even if it's wards stretched across the lands around it, and the dark forest. It still couldn't 'Sense' everything.

A mistake he wouldn't make again.

''Harry, don't do anything outrageous, I know your angry but-.''

''Angry doesn't quite describe it, but I know.'' The castle around them began to calm down as he did, forcibly controlling his emotions and stuffing them down, his weakened energy and power and hormones made it harder to keep in the burst of emotion down, but as long as he focused it was easy to keep down.

''I can't just walk up to him in the middle of the great hall and hit him with the Death curse, I know... I wish I was aware of this sooner, I've know since the start of the term, but kept it to myself because it seemed like there was no harm going on, as all students, despite the worse education were fine. You all had too much on your hands to begin with.''

Minerva frowned a bit, understanding why he was so angry now. Harry could've prevented the death of Innocent life, but simply because he thought it 'might' be alright, he was proven wrong....

She should keep him up to date with the happening around the school, it was his right since he owned most of it anyway.

''Can you take me to the Headmaster's office? He will need to hear of this right away, so we can get a plan formed.''

Harry nodded, waving his wand as he entered to close the window behind him, taking her by the hand as he started walking.


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