Chapter 5__The Rays

"Rays entertainment?", she asked immediately she entered the cafe.

" Calm down", Guy told her."Coffee"

"Forget about coffee. What is the audition about?"

"It's a band. They are going to train those who win the audition and they will make their break out", Guy replied.

" Are you applying too?", She asked Guy.

"Yes. This is the form", he said and gave the form to her.

" I wish I would win.", Dorris said.

"I really want to make my Debut this year"

Guy laughed.

"You better be prepared. The audition is in three days"

"Okay. Thanks so much.", she said and blew him a kiss.

Guy smiled.

" so cute", he muttered.


Dorris smiled when she saw Guy waiting for her.

"Good morning", She greeted and they started walking into the lobby.

" I wish to be in the same band as you Dorris.", Guy told her when they entered the elevator.

Dorris smile.

"Fighting", she said.

They got to the venue and they were over 30 people around. Everyone look nervous. When Dorris saw how tense the place is, she almost went nervous again until she saw that Lady. She had earphones on and she is singing and shaking her head to the melody.

Dorris became confident too after tapping from the lady confidence.

" The audition is starting ", The announcement came.

Dorris is number 30 and the 19th person just entered.

" Guy, I want to use the restroom. I will be fast"

"Ok", Guy said.

She was on her way to the rest room when she bumped into something hard.

" Sorry. I'm not looking ", She said. She tried to walk past him but he drew her back.

" It is you "

Dorris found the voice familiar.


Ray smiled. "Here I am thinking today is boring. Didn't know I will bump into you here.".

She close her eyes.

She wanted to yell but she knew she is in his turf. She also didn't want him to know that she is here to audition but it is too late, he saw her number tag.

" Don't tell me you're here to audition, fan"

"I'm quite unfortunate to keep bumping into you." She said and ran off.

Ray smiled.


Dorris drop the micro_phone. She bowed to the judges. Then her eyes met with his. She looked away immediately.

"What a wonderful performance!", The MD, Dorothy said. " You're in"

Dorris was very happy.

"Thanks", she said and bow again.

She walked to where the other five that has been picked are standing. At the end of the competition, ten of them were picked.

" We are forming Three bands. A three person band, a 3 boy band and a four girls band."

At the end, Dorris ended up in a band of two guys one girl. And Guy is one of the guys. The other guy is a young handsome lad that could pass for a gigolo.

They picked the leader for the girls band called "belles" and it is that girl that Dorris tapped her confidence from. Dorris smile.

"I think the lady should be the leader for the agency main band__¹ ", Melinda said.

'Main band? Leader?'

Dorris could not believe her ears.

So she is going to debut as a member of an agency main band and a leader for that matter.

" Ok.", Dorothy said.

"Congratulations to all of you", Ray stood up to address them. "I hope the agency will not regret using our resources on you. We will hold a signing event in two days time. Reporters will be around so dress well." He turn to the agency main band. Your band name will be The rays! .

"You are the face of the agency, represent us well"

"Thank you.", They all chorused.

" You should all go through the contract when you get back home and see if you're satisfied with the clauses.", Jerome said as he hand out the contracts.


Dorris bowed to Melinda.

"Thank you senior for putting in a word for me", She said.

Melinda smile.

" What is your name?", She asked.

"Dorris. Can I treat you to a meal. I appreciate your help"

"Don't thank me but him. He asked me to do it", Melinda said and pointed to Ray.

" So your name is Dorris? Treat me to a meal instead ", He told her.

Dorris sigh.

'Calm down Dorris',

" what do you want to eat?", She asked.

"Pasta", He replied.

" Pasta?"

"Don't worry. I know a good place that sells delicious pasta. I will drive", He said.

Dorris wished she could refuse.


He pulled the car over. Dorris sigh when she saw the restaurant. A five star restaurant. God knows how much she will spend here.

" Chairman", ,She called.


'I don't think I can afford the meal here', she wanted to say.


They entered the restaurant and sat down. Ray checked the Menu and called the waiter.

"Tomato pasta for me.", he said.

" Miss?", The waiter called.

"Water", Dorris replied.

" Tomato pasta for her", Ray told the waiter.

"I want water!", Dorris said glaring at him.

" Why? You can't afford to pay for a extra plate? Don't worry. Pay for me and I will pay for you ", he told her.

Dorris kept quiet.

The food arrived and they started eating. Dorris made sure not to waste the food and she finished it. Even Ray finished his food. He was amazed.

" I can't believe I finished it. Eating with you must be the secret."

Then he gulped.

Dorris squeezed her face irritatingly.

"Sorry, I did not see that coming", He told her.

" Let's take a walk. I need to digest my food. ", He told her.

She agreed because she felt stuffy too.

They walked for some minutes in silence.

" Dorris?", Ray called.


Ray stopped an faced her. Then he held her by the shoulder.

"What?", Dorris asked feeling uneasy.

Ray kept quiet and keep on staring at her.

" Is this a staring contest?", Dorris asked him.

"Dorris", He called again.

" Yes"

"Will you be my Dinner mate?", He asked.


Let's answer for Dorris.

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