Dorris could not sleep. She kept on rolling on her bed.
She remembered Rays words.
Dorris, be mine
Dorris is awed. She couldn't believe they kissed and he even ask her out.Is she really worth his company? Will it be right if they date?
Dorris could not even tell what she felt towards him but she knew he is likable.
Dorris didn't even know what to say to him.
Should she reply him in person or call him or text him. She is so confused.
When his eyes met Harriet's, his heart fluttered for a moment. After all, He is meeting his first love again after five years.
They never dated though. He did not even have the luxury to confess to her. Her brother actually knew but it is their bro things, he couldn't tell his sister.
"Hi, Ray", Harriet said.
" Long time", He said. He did not even feel awkward with her, he even felt comfortable. It seems he is finally over her.
"Buddy", Harry greeted and they hugged each other.
" When did you arrived?", Ray asked.
"This morning. Harriet wants to wish you a happy birthday.", Harry said.
Ray turned to look at Harriet, his gaze tender.
" How is your health. I hope you're feeling better now"
"Yes. I am", Harriet replied.
"Sorry about your brother.", She added.
Ray smiled.
" I'm sure my brother is in a good place", he said.
"Let's drink and catch up", Harry said.
Ray woke up that morning with an hangover. His phone beeped. It is a message from *my fan.
My Fan__Good morning boyfriend!
Let's go on our first date today. It will be our day 1.
Ray close his eyes an opened them again. He saw the message on his phone. He forgot about his hang over and became energetic__jumping on the bed.
Dorris is embarrassed. She felt like deleting the message but it was too late since he had seen it.
Her phone beeped. He replied.
Murray__Morning baby. How is your night?
Dorris__It's fine, yours?
Murray__I couldn't sleep . I dreamt of you all night.
Dorris__Really? You must be head over heels for me.
Murray__Yes. How do you comfort me for loosing my sleep?
Dorris__you won't even dream if you don't sleep. You flatterer! Smooth talker.
Ashley dropped her phone. She just finished talking to her man.
" so when are you moving to your dorm?", She asked Dorris, Who is scrolling through her phone reading texts between Ray and herself.
Dorris did not respond. Ashley snatched the phone.
"Give it back", Dorris said and she started chasing Ashley who refused to give up. Dorris gave up at last and Ashley read the messages.
"What. Is. This?", Ashley asked punctuating each words. Then she suddenly screamed.
" My girlfriend is finally into someone."
"I'm not into him, we are just dating?", Dorris informed.
" You will not even date someone you are not into"
"I'm not into Ray", Dorris insists.
Ashley smirked.
Ray sigh. He finally decided to ask Jerome.
" Yes boss"
Ray cleared his throat. "What gift can a man give to a woman on their first date?", he asked.
" Flowers ", Jerome replied.
" Just flowers?", Jerome asked again.
"And probably something shinny", Jerome added.
"Like?", Ray asked.
" Jewelry "
Ray mouthed an 'O'
"Hi, Dorris", Melinda greeted when they ran into each other.
" Hello, senior ", Dorris greeted and bow politely.
" Coffee?", Melinda asked.
And they ended up in a cafe 1 block away from the agency.
"Actually, Ray told me about you on his birthday. I'm at his place that night. Don't get me wrong, I only went to eat dinner.
He is actually my Fiance brother.", Melinda said.
" Your Fiance....."
"Yes. Ray's late brother was my fiance"
"Sorry for the loss", Dorris said.
Melinda smiled.
" Dorris whenever you need help, please come to me. That is the only thing I can offer"
Dorris nod.
"Thanks for your kindness senior"
"Melinda would do", Melinda said.
They've eaten dinner and decided to watch a movie. They went to the cinema and got the ticket for a werewolf movie. They bought popcorn and coke when the ran into that person.
" Ray", The lady called.
Ray turned to look at her.
"Hi, Ava", He greeted.
The lady turned to Dorris. " I don't think we've met", She said.
"Obviously", Dorris replied.
" I'm Ava, Ray's betrothed", she said.
"Ava, I...."
Dorris managed to keep her cool.
"Oh! Are you?" She smiled. "Nice meeting you Miss Ava, My name is Dorris, I'm Rays girlfriend", Dorris said.
Ava face had different expressions and her hand is fisted.
" Nice meeting you too", She said.
"As you can see, Ray and I are here to see a movie. We will leave now", And Dorris drag Ray with her.
She did not say anything through out the movie and Ray did not even know what to do.
Ray pulled over in front of her place. "About Ava...", He began.
" Our parents are match making us. There is nothing between us", He explained looking at Dorris face.
"Ava and I, which one of us will you choose", Dorris asked.
" I didn't chose Ava. My parent are only doing match makings. I am planning to end things now since I'm going to be with you. I chose you, Dorris"
"That's all I need. Good night." And she pecked him on the cheeks.
Do you like the exchange between Dorris and Ava?
So that I will be encouraged.